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Mateorabi t1_j5p47h9 wrote

Done correctly they’re great. But often they get a token “owner” to partner with them JUST to get those set asides. Or the company is just a middle man who adds 10% overhead with no value added—a straw purchaser who takes an extra cut making the material cost higher for no reason.


jlboygenius t1_j5p58xk wrote

oh 100%. I know of Alaskan Native corporations that are based in NoVA. They use the alaskan name and give the profits back to the alaskan native tribe. As long as the company meets its agreed payments, they do basically whatever they want. no one from the tribe works at the company, they just lend out their name.

I also had a software company suggest that we just buy through an alaskan native since then the contract could be executed in days. If we went through the vendor it would have to be a real bid/compete process.


gator_fl t1_j5sdyc8 wrote

A couple of years ago, went to a hotel and surprised by the number of luxury cars parked there with Alaska plates. Like Bentleys and such.

Was a small conference for ANCs.