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dcmcg t1_j5z5sd8 wrote

Have you also tried reaching out to Robert White, who's the new chair of the Committee on Housing? DCHA has gotten terrible press recently, and the previous committee chair sat around doing zero oversight for years, so he might be anxious to act.


LumosDC OP t1_j5zb444 wrote

Still waiting for a call back from my Council member's (Charles Allen) office to see what info they have for me. Once I get a response from them, I'll be contacting Robert White's office as well. Don't want to get too many wires crossed. I'll be checking the DC Council's website regularly to see when a Public Roundtable will be held, so I can submit testimony.

Honestly, I'm surprised that HUD hasn't taken over DCHA or at least placed it receivership already. It was a pain to even move into my current place due to DCHA moving at a snail's pace with inspecting the unit. I had to call my council member's office then as well to grease the wheels because DCHA only allows move-ins on the 1st of the month and it was already T-minus 18 days or so before I was supposed to move in and still hadn't gotten an inspection date or timeframe. The fact that the building I was moving into was literally a 2-minute walk from DCHA's HQ at the time made it that much more irritating.


palebluedot1984 t1_j61g5g2 wrote

Here you go, DCHA oversight hearing is on March 2 (page 10 of the schedule):


LumosDC OP t1_j62ndkc wrote

Thank you!

I was looking at the 'Calendar' tab and it wasn't listed there, so figured I'd bookmark the 'Calendar' page to check it every few days.

I've bookmarked the 'Schedules' page and will be working on typing up my testimony in the meantime. Largely will be copy/pasted from my post, but will probably need to update it for anything that I hear from Housing and Councilmembers office. Got to also make sure the testimony doesn't go over the 4-minute limit.

edit: words


palebluedot1984 t1_j64gzz6 wrote

You're welcome! Keep in mind, the written testimony that you submit can be longer than what you read during your oral testimony. Sometimes it's helpful to submit a much fuller written statement, then just hit the highlights during your oral testimony.


Formergr t1_j604cip wrote

> Once I get a response from them, I'll be contacting Robert White's office as well. Don't want to get too many wires crossed.

Honestly, I wouldn’t wait. I get wanting to avoid crossed wires, but I don’t think it can get worse, and since Allen might reach out to White anyway, his office hearing from both of you could be a good thing.

ETA: I’m sorry you’re going through all this. You sound incredibly well organized and well informed, so it’s clear this is all on the city to fix.


LumosDC OP t1_j60a1gu wrote

Thanks for the kind words. I do try to be well organized and informed, as I have to be my own advocate.

Man, the avalanche of words that came out of my mouth when I opened the door to that "Notice Of Past Due Rent" with the very first page saying different ways to apply for assistance. "Oh, you mean the assistance I already freaking have, but isn't being applied due to DCHA failing to do even the most basic functions of their jobs?"