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LumosDC OP t1_j62ndkc wrote

Thank you!

I was looking at the 'Calendar' tab and it wasn't listed there, so figured I'd bookmark the 'Calendar' page to check it every few days.

I've bookmarked the 'Schedules' page and will be working on typing up my testimony in the meantime. Largely will be copy/pasted from my post, but will probably need to update it for anything that I hear from Housing and Councilmembers office. Got to also make sure the testimony doesn't go over the 4-minute limit.

edit: words


palebluedot1984 t1_j64gzz6 wrote

You're welcome! Keep in mind, the written testimony that you submit can be longer than what you read during your oral testimony. Sometimes it's helpful to submit a much fuller written statement, then just hit the highlights during your oral testimony.