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Devastator1981 OP t1_j54x6hy wrote

Yea I didn't even want to or feel the need to go there, but that's true. Even without that, I'm surprised by how much stuff like "everybody in DC is transient" or "nobody is from here" is just thrown around and accepted at face value. Very odd.


CreditUnlucky407thro t1_j564orp wrote

Some social groups have a higher amount of transplants, too. One of the groups I was in for years didn't have any natives.


PanAmargo t1_j5as07q wrote

I think the DMV has a “native” population loosely defined as people born in the area still living there around 30 - 40%. This is on the low end nationally for large metros. It pales in comparison to more “townie” spots in up state New York or the Midwest for instance, but is lower nationally than most other big cities, approaching Florida levels. Though there may be some noise in the data because it defined if you’re living in the state you were born in, so if someone is born in VA and moved to MD it may be counting that as a transplant, but hard to tell from the data: