Submitted by sadmium t3_10pcr5x in washingtondc

Look, I don’t know who this is or what they look like, but there’s a busker who frequents the Foggy Bottom metro stop that sings for maybe 6+ hours a day, often at least once a week…they are VERY loud and there is no way to block out the sound. I’ve tried wearing headphones and standing in parts of my apartment a bit further from the windows, but I can still hear them! I get that people have to make money, but it is INCESSANT and a nuisance when I’m trying to do my school work and/or relax in my own home. Is there any sort of law or even just etiquette to prevent somebody from busking in one place for so long? Am I the only one that’s bothered to this degree? I’d at least like to know if I’m alone in my frustration…



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Milazzo t1_j6kamwc wrote

I will trade you for the trumpet player on King St who plays for three or four hours and only knows three songs - Adams Family, Girl is on Fire, and Mary Had a Little Lamb.


OhHowIMeantTo t1_j6mm9mp wrote

I used to work in an office across from Metro Center, and there was a guy who sat there all day everyday with his saxophone only playing one song on repeat, "Don't Stop Believin'," by Journey. It drove me crazy.


jon20001 t1_j6jqcbo wrote

Try living in Gallery Place. Been fighting this for years. Good luck.


mrbridgeburner t1_j6kpaqz wrote

I used to work in Gallery Place and it was miserable. The volume of the amplification is far too loud and unnecessary. People in office buildings two blocks away shouldn't be hearing the amplification.

You aren't alone in your frustration, but in my experience, the loudest supporters of this behavior don't have to deal with it daily.


floppydisk1995 t1_j6jrgtm wrote

Get some good noise-canceling headphones. I would be shocked if you can still hear them.


BlakeClass t1_j6kw9ed wrote

I have AirPod pros and AirPod max’s and I can’t hear shit with noise canceling on. There’s a Spanish speaking preacher with a microphone that comes here right outside my window, I just crush an energy drink and put on some Melbourne Bounce.

I let the preacher slide because he’s preaching to the homeless, it’s normally an hour or two, and it’s once a week.

There’s also a woman begger who yells “SIIIIIIR!! SIIIIRRRRRR! SIR!!!!!” To everyone walking by, literally at the top of her lungs. she’s probably the worst.

I don’t know how I’d feel about a random singer for six hours routinely though. That’s to the point where I’d explore grey area options.


ilovearthistory t1_j6jsc5w wrote

these people in an alley next to my house play the bongos to music almost every weekend in the summer. i would almost lose my mind sometimes. you have my sympathy


SSSS_car_go t1_j6k0u1h wrote

That sounds incredibly annoying, but I’m very sensitive to certain sounds.

I found this article about the Amplified Noise Amendment Act that was put forward in 2018, but it looks like it wasn’t passed. Still, it might be interesting to see that many people object to intrusive sounds in the city. If you don’t want to get involved with legislation, though, I’d recommend white noise (electronic or an indoor fountain) and noise canceling headphones.

Also, persistent noise pollution would be reason enough for me to move, but that’s just me.


scotch_please t1_j6k5h0g wrote

West End Neighborhood Library is around 3 blocks from you as an immediate solution.

Did he show up recently? If you let yourself hear him while you go about normal activity in your apartment your brain might start tuning him out as background noise. Dealt with the same thing in college with a saxophone player and he eventually got drowned out with traffic and siren noise. Some people recommend white noise machines.


4444fours t1_j6koeha wrote

Have you been in the west end library? It’s not exactly a quiet sanctuary. Last time I was there a homeless man was screaming at the top of his lungs about wanting to kill his dog


scotch_please t1_j6koqr7 wrote

No, I haven't, so thank you for posting a heads up. Hopefully OP lives near their campus and has private workspace access.


4444fours t1_j6kpe75 wrote

The library was a good suggestion; it could certainly be calmer during off peak times. Either way, noise canceling headphones and white noise machine should go a long way.


PenisTriumvirate t1_j6kc9fw wrote

Confront them......You sitting in your apartment trying to find a corner that's quiet? You pay to live there go tell that john mayer dick head to kick rocks.


High_DC t1_j6kf2mo wrote


Follow this guy for more terrible advice!


descartes127 t1_j6m69zt wrote

Lmao what is that person thinking. Sure fire way to get jumped (and that’s probably best case scenario)


[deleted] t1_j6lq8vs wrote

Just sing back at them xD


petite4eyes t1_j6mc8or wrote

I know who you’re talking about. It is very annoying


Wity_4d t1_j6n673q wrote

Bring a guitar and amp and show em who's boss.


oladiamante t1_j6n7wub wrote

There was a guy that played trumpet for years near the NoMa metro that drove residents crazy, seemed to go away eventually. I feel like the economics of busking means you can't stay in one place indefinitely or eventually lose interest, think all you can do is deal with it and wait for it to end unfortunately unless you're feeling brave and confrontational...


Macrophage87 t1_j6nmw5d wrote

There are a number of sound isolating panels that do help. I live next to a rail corridor and this has been helpful reducing the train noise.


mdtransplant21 t1_j6mnxsq wrote

DC does seem to require a busking permit, if Im googling properly, or at least a permit to use public spaces like that. Have you tried filing a noise complaint?


jj3449 t1_j6mzubb wrote

Get enough residents together and claim constructive eviction with the landlord. I’m sure if 30 people are ready to roll out they’ll do something.


TellemTrav t1_j6nzy05 wrote

Anybody who complains about noise in the city needs to move out of the city. Sorry I just don't think this city thing is cut out for you. Just because you paid a silly amount of money for a small apartment doesn't mean you or anyone else gets to own outside. Yeah it sucks that your quiet time is not respected but complaints like that are what suck the soul and culture out of cities.


CMMiller89 t1_j6oaeyi wrote

City white noise is different than obtrusive and constant disturbances.

No one would willing rent an apartment if they knew specifically there was going to be someone singing loudly for most of the day outside their window.

It’s completely reasonable for someone to rent or buy a place, experience the environment as it is, agree to stay there, then be upset when that environment changes.


gutterbrain73 t1_j6jnigt wrote

No, there isn't. Welcome to the city...


sadmium OP t1_j6jnvrl wrote

Lol yeah I get that it’s par for the course but I’ve been here for four years already and somehow this is just different…