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eccentr1que t1_j6a242g wrote

DC government has failed the citizens by relying on the federal government to support the economy. If this was any other city this argument would be laughed at and rejected. It is not the job of federal employees to keep the DC economy going. DC gov should realise and accept telework as the new reality


FSOTFitzgerald t1_j6ld4fp wrote

Okay, but the end game here is the city of DC as we know it and many other cities around the country will cease to exist. Think Detroit 20-30 years ago. Businesses, infrastructure, services, all defunded so folks can WFH from BFE and eat Stouffer’s lasagna everyday.


eccentr1que t1_j6mpit5 wrote

Lol that's not right. Some people will still want to live in cities. The issue is cities aren't working hard enough to encourage people to choose to come live there.

Why are cities like London, Paris, NYC appealing places to live? Because those cities have diverse economies that have any kind of thinks you want. DC could be a small version of those large cities, it has cultural attractions, the zoo, nature nearby. The city has a pretty good food scene as well. There are areas yet to be improved and good leaders look for ways to improve