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WontStopAtSigns t1_j6gwf7k wrote

I'm pretty sure AI could have paraphrased all the shit takes and wrote a better argument than this piece.


We aren't coming back. Hell, half my staff don't even live here anymore. They're gone now. We caught covid TWICE this year, so no, I don't want to get on a cattle car every morning again so I can go work for people that in March 2020 called an *in person* meeting to tell us 3 people had covid and we were beginning indefinite telework. Nope. Get fucked.


I already had a liberal telework schedule and my wife was full remote already in 2019. This was coming whether or not the soulless real estate cartel, the boomer boss, or the mayor can believe it. We were going to get here in the next decade. Covid only accelerated the inevitable.


If my boss looked at me with a straight face and said I was returning to the office so I could sit in an empty room and attend video meetings, I would quit. No one else is qualified to sit at my desk. We're currently short at least 6 people. Checkmate.