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vermillionmango t1_j5o6rlx wrote

In most R zones rowhouse setback (space from sidewalk to front door) is too small, floor area ratio (ratio of built house:property size) is too high, don't have the required offstreet parking space, minimum lot size is too small (single rowhouse lots are under the required property lot sizes in many cases), or just you can't built undetatched housing that shares an outside wall because the only allowed building is a detatched single family home.


ekkidee t1_j5og471 wrote

Damn. That sucks. Thanks for the answer. It would seem to create artificially high demand for any existing structures.


cptjeff t1_j5ojy0t wrote

> the required offstreet parking space

That only applies to multi unit buildings, not rowhouses.


vermillionmango t1_j5onf3g wrote

>Residential, single dwelling unit 1 per principal dwelling.

>Residential, flat 1 per 2 dwelling units.

>Residential, multiple dwelling unit 1 per 3 dwelling units in excess of 4 units, except: 1 per 2 dwelling units for any R or RF zone; 1 per 6 units of publicly assisted housing, reserved for the elderly and/or handicapped.