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topher180 t1_j6nrm36 wrote

I’m not bringing vitriol. I’m also aware there’s conflicting data in regards to sentencing. There isn’t though, to my knowledge, conflicting information regarding gun violence offenses. Aren’t you at least open to other data which doesn’t jive with your own instincts?


puttinonthefoil t1_j6o426m wrote

There isn’t conflicting data on sentencing. The modern studies all say the same thing, and it is logically true - do you know the penalty for grand larceny? Aggravated assault? No, of course you don’t. So how is a long potential sentence a deterrent?

I don’t have an instinct on this, I read the data and see what it says. And the modern studies all say the same thing: harsher penalties do not deter crime.
