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The_Herder12 t1_j64eixn wrote

I don’t disagree but looking out it from a subjective standpoint I’m pretty sure people will burn the city down after multiple police involved shootings related to carjackings. I can see it now “he didn’t know it was a police officer” “they are only targeting the young Black juveniles” “they didn’t need to kill him it’s just a car”


[deleted] t1_j64eyh8 wrote



Formergr t1_j669n1i wrote

Has that completely died now? (ie the calls for "truth" etc)


WealthyMarmot t1_j67rq7b wrote

The media attention mostly died after they learned that the guy who shot him wasn't white


opheodrysaestivus t1_j64w9ny wrote

>“they didn’t need to kill him it’s just a car” you think this is an unfair statement?


CowboyAirman t1_j65sqik wrote

Where do you draw your line?

“they didn’t need to kill them. It’s just a house.”

Why is a car different? If you came in my house with a gun I’d shoot you as well.


opheodrysaestivus t1_j65ulwb wrote

Personally I don't believe anyone deserves to die over property. I especially don't believe the police should get to decide who dies.


CowboyAirman t1_j660shx wrote

The one using lethal force against me decided. When will you understand this? What, they have to pull the trigger first?


opheodrysaestivus t1_j69lfwh wrote

I'm not saying you can't defend yourself in these situations. What I'm saying is no one's life is worth a fucking car. If you think otherwise that's just sad.


CowboyAirman t1_j69m7j0 wrote

This is backpedaling via a strawman. Literally no one has claimed or inferred otherwise. It’s always been about defending from aggression. But I will not feel bad for anyone that is killed who was using lethal force to take from others.


jameson71 t1_j66c5os wrote

Personally I don’t believe you or any other citizen should get to decide what property of mine I will be allowed to keep.


opheodrysaestivus t1_j69krw6 wrote

I'm not sure what you're talking about, I said no one deserves to die over stolen property. I didn't say anything about what you are "allowed" to keep, whatever that means


The_Herder12 t1_j6602q0 wrote

Yes I do, they are committing a violent act this isn’t someone jumping in because you left your keys in it this is someone pulling a firearm on you and ripping you out of your vehicle


opheodrysaestivus t1_j69l81b wrote

That's pretty grim. you're creating an excuse for the death penalty for crimes of desperation.