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ninasymone44 t1_j69gax3 wrote

Show me the source you have that says he has a CC permit. Otherwise STFU. You and the majority of the miserable white liberals on this sub are closet racists who wonder why your black neighbors can’t stand you.


9throwaway2 t1_j69ho9h wrote

im not white. lol


ninasymone44 t1_j69jdi7 wrote

Here is an article with CM White saying he is against CC permits.

So you’re a non-white racist who thinks that Black people all carry guns. And somehow you really think not being white excludes you from being a racist POS.


KenyaviousJames t1_j6ahcli wrote

Has the whitest post history, university professor with well established parents with $15 million nest eggs, owns house in tony area of DC, thinks claiming not to be white is a get out of jail card…yep checks out lol