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Spaghetthy t1_j64z3dl wrote

I mean I’m not the biggest fan but that’s not DCs fault. I just learned too late that I’m not a big fan of cities in general. I will say the public transportation is one of the best I’ve ever experienced, even if it’s still far from perfect (that’s more a USA problem than a dc problem). I’ve found great people here and a lot of resources that you couldn’t find in a lot of other places. If you like cities I think you’ll like dc


42beastmode OP t1_j65183s wrote

I get that. When I was younger, I felt I was destined to live in one of the mega-cities in America. But after visiting them more recently, they were too much of a concrete jungle, something I think DC does a better job of managing.


OldScarcity5443 t1_j6531qp wrote

One of the things I love about DC, and why I’ve been here for almost 30 years, is all the open and green space. Since we don’t have skyscrapers and very tall buildings, it feels much more open.


leagle89 t1_j65uf15 wrote

I can absolutely confirm. I grew up in NJ, 20 minutes from NYC. A while back I did a summer internship in Brooklyn after living down here for a couple years, and all I could think when I went into work every morning was "wow, I do not miss New York as much as I thought I would." I know that's heresy to a lot of people, but DC just feels so much more comfortable than NY, for lack of a better word.