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HockeyMusings t1_j5lx8yq wrote

> Because there’s a difference between delinquency and ADHD.

Not as far as the impact goes. Four violations is four inconveniences to every law abiding citizen, paid or not. Hell, twenty paid tickets in the same time frame is far worse than four unpaid, wouldn’t you say?


hooliganswoon t1_j5m0fre wrote

I’d agree with the last sentiment, just have to find a way to weed out the assholes flagrantly violating vs honest mistakes


HockeyMusings t1_j5m1ftv wrote

Twenty “honest mistakes” 🤣

You set the threshold at a number. Otherwise booting someone with four unpaid tickets versus not booting someone for ten paid tickets is just spanking them for being poor.

You get four PAID speed camera tickets in a year? Your car is subject to being towed and impounded for a week if a Reddit warrior looks up your license and reports your location. You can come get your car for free after its penalty has been served.

It’d slow people the fuck down for sure; well to do and poor alike.


hooliganswoon t1_j5m1pet wrote

I’m agreeing that 20 is flagrant… but 4 parking meters in a year is a bit stringent


missjennielang t1_j5p5363 wrote

If my meter expires the city loses money, if I block a fire hydrant people could die. Not the same impact.


HockeyMusings t1_j5pgw5x wrote

Hey, we are talking about reasons to boot cars here. That a certain amount of unpaid tickets, 4 as suggested by the post I am responding to) is enough to lock up someone’s car.

All I’m saying is that payment vs non-payment shouldn’t factor into the decision to deny someone access to their car.

If you want to boot a car for four hydrant tickets, fine. But boot all the cars that get four hydrant tickets. Not just the ones that don’t pay.