Submitted by elysiansmiles t3_102q17p in washingtondc

I live in Columbia Heights in a rowhouse, and own my place. I have a couple neighbors that smoke pot. I am not morally opposed to this, except that it smells ALL THE TIME. One neighbor (in the adjoining building) smokes inside and it seeps through the walls. I would open my windows, but my other neighbor a few doors down smokes on (both!!!) their front AND back porch several times a day. The porch neighbor has just the smelliest pot I have ever smelled - I feel like it must be specially grown/mutated or something and smells just terrible. Plus, they are out there smoking several times a day (at least 3-4 times a day). I am constantly opening and closing the windows.

No matter where I am or the time of day, my house smells like weed. With the windows closed - one neighbor's weed. With the windows open, another. I'm not calling the cops on anyone, but this is seriously impacting my life. I don't want to sell my house over this, but the thought has crossed my mind more than once. Is there anything I can do? There isn't, right? This is just my life now?


Edit: Wow, this really blew up more than I expected. I got a couple of solid ideas I can bring to my neighbors to problem solve, a couple air filter/other recommendations that might work in my house, and only had to weed through (pun intended) like 50% racist stuff. Thanks to everyone who made a useful comment!



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