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akkelerate t1_ja9xtfq wrote

Well that’s easy. Divide China into 50 countries. Now none of them are anywhere near as polluting. Problem solved.


acebandaged t1_jaaj5t5 wrote

I know everyone says lots of smaller countries are much worse than one big one, but there's definitely a population between 1.5bn and 1 that's more stable than 1.5bn...the point where the power those small nations hold is too small for their inherent instability to matter.

Montenegro isn't going around picking on other nations, while China is happily spying and murdering and threatening and generally having an overall negative impact on the world.


ELVEVERX t1_jaanukj wrote

>while China is happily spying and murdering and threatening and generally having an overall negative impact on the world.

I mean they do less of that shit than the US.