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PuzzleheadedKing5708 t1_ja1xnrt wrote

Scienceing trumps politics. Hope that the new generations of Russians and Americans can keep this up once the confrontational Cold War era boomers die off.


ishmal t1_ja1zwpo wrote

As a boomer who witnessed the downfall of the Soviets, but then worked with the Russians at NASA, I have a strong opinion that you are full of shit.


kerelberel t1_ja2sl9f wrote

He just says he is hoping for something though, not stating it.


PuzzleheadedKing5708 t1_ja20ub3 wrote

I meant the boomers who are now political leaders of Russia (hope they die off soon), not the boomers who think that the political invasion of a sovereign nation is wrong.

Slava Ukraini!


vetus_turtur t1_ja2n5vp wrote

There are a lot of Russians who haven't reached retirement age that support Putin because the state controls the media. Stereotyping based on age is unhelpful.


BigDaddyCoolDeisel t1_ja33mb3 wrote

Hi! Post-Cold War kid here. Russia has given a whole new generation reasons to hate its guts. Arguably even worse than the Cold War era.


throwawayidknything t1_ja2kpv0 wrote

Ugh whenever I hear the phrase "something trump's something" I can't help but think of Donald Trump fml
