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emperorxyn t1_j9yxq4c wrote

To be fair the birthrate in the US is/was slowing, and this might be their way to pick it up again. I don't think it's on the level of fining media for something you disagree with.


roron5567 t1_j9zmfal wrote

To raise the birthrate you need a social care system, not banning abortion. Introducing tax benefits for parents giving birth, subsidized child care etc. For those who don't want to be parents, but would be willing to give their child for adoption, a working adoption system and foster care system.

Banning abortion just means that people get illegal abortions or get sterilized if they don't want children.


emperorxyn t1_j9zne9k wrote

Good point, it was the only logical thing I could think of why they did it, other than maybe the supreme court is full of religous nut jobs.


Vik0BG t1_j9z5th3 wrote

Damn. TIL Rape children, women carrying around a dead baby, women dying due to no abortion and children from incest are better than fining a TV channel.

Let's have babies in families that don't want them or can't afford them. That ought to do the trick. More slaves are needed.


Vik0BG t1_ja08vhe wrote

Also, people in Ohio getting sick because the government won't admit they aren't safe. That's how you know you don't live in a democracy.