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Diomas t1_jadru1h wrote

How exactly is that statement or anything else Reuters states in the article "pro-Russian"?


johnty_smith t1_jadt6mq wrote

It’s hardly a noose and implies that Russia is winning hence it being pro-Russian


pawnografik t1_jae7u97 wrote

You need to learn to value truth over feel-good propaganda. Reuters is not a mouthpiece of the Ukrainian (or US) government. It’s an independent news outlet with possibly the highest anti-bias score in the world.

The Russians are advancing in the north and south - that’s a noose. Implying Russia is winning (this battle) is not pro-Russia if it’s true.


MarylynnMay t1_jae8hmu wrote

Do you have any evidence to back up that anti bias score? I hate to be that person, but that's a pretty big claim with no support.


pawnografik t1_jae937k wrote

> Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record. Detailed Report


Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH

Country: United Kingdom

Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE

Media Type: News Agency

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic



johnty_smith t1_jaeby8t wrote

I am well aware, thank you. Now onto the noose; Russia is attempting to surround the Ukrainian forces and disrupt their logistics network and cut off their supplies. Things are tense in Bakhmut, but this is not the same situation like it was at Azovstal.

Russia has been taking severe losses and losing momentum as new recruits join. This is likely to become a stalemate and will eventually even out on the fonts when Ukrainian forces will be propped up with the new addition of tanks.

It’s hardly a noose.


Yelmel t1_jaee5d9 wrote

The imagery is false. Let me ask you this: Do you generally see 10 noose executioners die for every 1 noose victim? Is the rate of attrition of soldiers a better measure of winning if it's a war of attrition? Is this even a war of attrition for you? Does Reuters provide any insight into Ukraine's military strategy at Bakhmut in this article or is it only focused on what Russia considers winning?

That's pro Russia. Or count the words from Russian officials, Russian fighters, other imagery in Russia's favour...

I agree with you that Reuters is excellent for unbiased reporting. This is what makes this article so frustrating. They're abusing what trust I have in them by portraying such a dire situation in Bakhmut.


UnsuitableFuture t1_jaf4d59 wrote

Bakhmut is in a dire situation and no amount of propaganda bullshit will change that. Stop pretending like it's a walk in the park for Ukrainian forces in the city, not least because it's an absolute insult to the men and women fighting there right now.

As for a war of attrition, you better hope that isn't Ukraine's goal because right now casualties are approximately 1:1 and Ukraine doesn't have much in the way of potential operational reserves so long as they're facing a three front war.

This isn't being "pro-Russian" or "pro-Putin", it's being realistic: Long term, the situation does not favour Ukraine. Which is why we need to step up arms deliveries by the end of the spring, so they can try and reduce the total frontage exposed to Russian forces.


MeNoweakneSS t1_jaes0n1 wrote

Look now, the truth is Ruzzia is advancing on Bakhmut. I am all in for Ukraine to win the war, but realistically sometimes they will lose a village or a town. Later counter offensives will retake them, as it has happened so far.

Also the longer this drags on the less like is for Ruzzia to do shit.

Best of luck to the UAF.


Diomas t1_jadvc53 wrote

The situation in Bakhmut is becoming increasingly fraught as Russia continues to feed into the meat grinder there, progressing with an encirclement of the city and putting its remaining supply/ now escape routes under significant stress. It's a Russian plan in progress, one which has been moving at the pace of a glacier that is yet to finish - perhaps it will never be fully successful.

The headline uses the analogy of a noose, but that hardly seems unreasonable considering the context.

Would you prefer reporting which did not reflect developments on the ground?


Yelmel t1_jaeca22 wrote

Reflect developments in an unbiased way. From what I can tell, Reuters does this very well on all other subjects other than Russia's genocidal war against Ukrainians. Reuters knows how to do this. This is not it.


Yelmel t1_jaebiq5 wrote

It's false imagery on so many levels. This is not guilty Ukraine being marshaled by legal authority Russia into a defeat at Bakhmut. Further, there is generally no risk to an executioner to hanging a convict with a noose. If, on the other hand, the executioner is the guilty one and you're way more likely to die executing someone with a noose, then yeah, that would make more sense because that's the truth of the matter according to what I would call a consensus of military analysis like the ISW, UK MoD, and CSIS on the situation at Bakhmut. This article ignores the bigger picture of the war which is strategically attritional and gaining ground in Bakhmut is not how you win a war of attrition.