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cymricchen t1_j9i9288 wrote

Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh claimed that the US navy is behind nord stream 2 bombing. Of course, he is basing this claim on an anonymous source, so not exactly the definition of credible. But I find it very interesting that this news is auto removed when submitted to the front page of r/worldnews.


Basquebadboy t1_j9imcfm wrote

That article is wrong on several key points such as the Norwegian naval vessel being at the pipeline at the time he describes. It also banks on Norway being a war monger for profit, and its elected leadership participation in a near act of war of aggression on a neighboring country which is an enormously tall order of speculative reporting on the weakest of sources. Hersh has been more wrong than right after the won the Pulitzer price in the 1970ies or so. The more interesting question is who fed him this fantasy tale, and why?


misyo t1_j9lwbv5 wrote

Also Hersh should know better as a long time journalist, which tells me Hersh might not be as cognitively sharp as he once was at 85.


cymricchen t1_j9ktju9 wrote

Yeah, I don't see why Norway would want to take the lead in antagonizing Russia too. Too much risk for too little gain. Still, I wish that a proper post could be made and a more through discussion done on why his claims are plausible/implausible. This is what I browse reddit for and I was surprise to find that the post could not be made at all. It would be great if you can post the sources that prove him wrong.


hyldemarv t1_j9ntba5 wrote

The projection of own motivations onto Norway sort-of gives away the source - and the factual errors, lack of preparation and care, corroborate it: Russia!


misyo t1_j9lvwh7 wrote

Here's how credible reputable media outlets found Hersh's story- he had to self publish. In media world that means no one wants to touch a single anonymously sourced story with no corroborating evidence that accuses the United States of an act of sabotage. Hersh should know better frankly and write a better story with adequate sources and supporting evidence if he wants to be taken seriously. We have journalistic standards and ethics for a reason.


cymricchen t1_j9nblvh wrote

Watergate started with "deepthroat" an anonymously sourced story.


hackingdreams t1_j9kcpml wrote

When you're linking to the New York Post and someone is quoting an "anonymous source"... you're pretty much straight up saying that this is manufactured.

All links to the New York Post should be autoremoved from any reputable news channel. They are a tabloid.


cymricchen t1_j9ks85i wrote

A pulitzer prize winner claiming something that contradicts mainstream reporting is news whether you like it or not.

He might had been lied to, he might had gotten foolish in his old age, he might had taken money, or, he might be right. Who knows, but it is newsworthy, again, whether you like it or not.

As for your claims that new york post is a tabloid, there are also lots of tabloid post here in r/worldnews. So obviously this sub doesn't mind it.


IOM1978 t1_j9iahio wrote

Censorship is a growth business in the West.
