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TheBusStop12 t1_j9j3ih7 wrote

No it wasn't. Maybe stop reading Russian state propaganda.

I challenge you to post some sources that support your claims, and then look for sources that dispute your claims, and then compare which sources are more reputable. This is basic education stuff, we learn this in school


[deleted] t1_j9jhl4u wrote



TheBusStop12 t1_j9jituz wrote

As stated numerous times in recent years Seymour Hersh has fallen into the deep end of conspiracy theories and making up pure bullshit. As proven already by Bellingcat in 2017 when he was making up pro Russian bullshit in Syria

There's a reason the media ignores it. Show me another source that isn't based on the ranting of a single lunatic trying to stay relevant. No one, and I mean absolutely no one has been able to verify his claims

The pipeline was useless to Russia as it was never going to open again. It was just costing Gazprom tons of money. At least this way they could gage the Wests reaction to sabotage and see what they could get away with. Europe doesn't need Russian gas anymore, it has no purpose as leverage


mildobamacare t1_j9j53em wrote

That was never even suspected by any legitimate source. Most signs point to russia, as they did in 2008, and again in 2010.


[deleted] t1_j9jf3yy wrote



mildobamacare t1_j9jg48b wrote

Ok. You probably meant subjective instead of objective, and it's really not. These "major media conglomerates " don't do investigations first hand to things like this, they report on the findings of third party investigators. The entire credible world agrees the usa had no involvement.