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brokenha_lo t1_ja3ihvo wrote

The PA will pay the family of the terrorist using funds from Western countries, Israel will bulldoze the family house in response, and the cycle will continue.


Strict-Device7005 t1_ja4bhnh wrote

Mind you the family's house was already set to be bulldozed, this just sped up the process


zeshtorm t1_ja4fc0d wrote

Why do you say that? Why would their house have been bulldozed?


Strict-Device7005 t1_ja4m095 wrote

Illegal Israeli settlements


zeshtorm t1_ja4mr7z wrote

Please show me the last time any Palestinian homes were bulldozed for Israeli settlements


Strict-Device7005 t1_ja4oc6s wrote

Since the start of this year, Israeli forces have demolished at least 47 Palestinian-built structures in occupied East Jerusalem, including inhabited and uninhabited homes, stores, and other structures. By February 7, at least 60 Palestinians were made homeless due to the demolitions, according to the UN


zeshtorm t1_ja4or6v wrote

Demolition on buildings built without a permit or homes of convicted terrorists. Certainly no settlements being built on those areas, and even your extremely biased news source (AJ is generally a good news source but ridiculously, almost comically, anti-Israel) isn’t claiming otherwise.


Ratjar142 t1_ja4w36c wrote

This man has a gold medal in mental gymnastics


zeshtorm t1_ja4yxwq wrote

Yeah pointing out that building being demolished are being demolished because they’re built without a permit = mental gymnastics.


SaintSilversin t1_ja57ius wrote

Claiming no building were demolished and then when proven wrong changing the statement to no building with permits is a kind of mental gymnastics.


zeshtorm t1_ja5pkvq wrote

I never said that. I said they weren’t demolished for settlements, which was the claim made by the guy I responded to. And i was 100% correct.


frosthowler t1_ja5al42 wrote

what is this nonsensical strawman, he said for Israeli settlements. 3 people in a row intentionally misconstruing his statement, is this a raid?

and he's right. find one (1) palestinian home that was bulldozed to make way for an israeli settlement.

because it doesn't exist; forget Israel's justifications, you think settlements and arab cities? that destroying palestinian homes will somehow 'make room' for the settlers? lol. No Jew is building homes in Nablus, you can be sure of that. Palestine has already ethnically cleansed all of its Jews well before Israel took the WB in '67, and no one wants them for a neighbour again.


rickyp_123 t1_ja4q6ep wrote

The buildings are built without permits because they don't give Palestinians permits... it then makes it an easy sell for, I guess, you.


zeshtorm t1_ja4z6qg wrote

I mean there are plenty of buildings going up there legally. Palestinians also tend to build purposely without permits so Israel will destroy the building and then get international condemnation.


Epicbaconsir t1_ja59y1u wrote

Wow those skeeving conniving Palestinians purposely wanting to lose their homes and possessions to make people feel bad for them!


frosthowler t1_ja5bdqf wrote

It's a capital crime to sell land to a Jew in Palestine. Unlike Israel, Palestine is apartheid, so you have no worry on that account. Bulldozing and permits do absolutely nothing for settlement expansion, especially considering only, what, 30k or something Palestinians live in Area C, which is where Israel was given by the PA civil responsibility to handle things like permits.


[deleted] t1_ja4uqfb wrote



zeshtorm t1_ja4y9kb wrote

Try that in your home country and see how it goes.


[deleted] t1_ja4yo1e wrote



babchik t1_ja4bs7f wrote

Was it constructed without permit or was it a residence to a terror agent with blood on his hands?


onlyfacts2000 t1_ja32dx8 wrote

The celebrations have begun.


OneRougeRogue t1_ja3mb2x wrote

Pretty weak "celebration"... Two of the three pictures don't even have anybody standing near the candy bowls. The third one just has a guy slipping a handwritten sign into the shot.

Edit; the three pictures in the link were as described above so I thought the maybe people were exaggerating the Palestinian response to these murders. But people below posted links of much bigger celebrations.


OneRougeRogue t1_ja3pxgm wrote

Well that is very worrying.


OneRougeRogue t1_ja47fuw wrote

It's so sad that they celebrate murdering civilians. Not that I would agree with it, but I could at least understand why they might celebrate a successfully raid on an IDF post or killing IDF soldiers in a shootout. But this is over two Israeli citizens that were just driving their car around. That's awful.


Codspear t1_ja4omsm wrote

> It’s so sad that they celebrate murdering farmers. Not that I would agree with it, but I could at least understand why they might celebrate a successful raid on a colonial fort or killing Redcoats in a shootout. But this is over two English farmers that were just driving their cart to market. That’s awful.

This is how the Palestinians would flip this back on you. Not that I agree with the above either, but some redditors tend to have a double standard about this when Israel or Palestine pops up.


OneRougeRogue t1_ja4pljm wrote

I don't really get your point because celebrating civilian deaths is disgusting regardless of the context. Colonial Americans killing English farmers should have been nothing to celebrate over, but I could at least understand why colonial Americans might celebrate the deaths of some Redcoats.


[deleted] t1_ja4rr7r wrote



OneRougeRogue t1_ja5irov wrote

I don't agree with the whole "Israeli settlers" operation but the settlers are still civilians. Israel's judges and government are facilitating the whole Settlement issue, I don't think Israeli civilians deserve to get shot over decisions that their judges and government made.


TerbiumInside t1_ja5p8i8 wrote

B-but I thought the Palestinians were all innocent angels who only want peace and are only fighting for their survival! That’s what the internet told me!


PsYDaniel3 t1_ja2yjx4 wrote

Another fuel to the fire of hate.


JadeitePenguin1 t1_ja3z941 wrote

.....I don't understand....why do people even do these attacks for! It doesn't make any fucking sense!

There's 0 benefits I see to doing a terrorist attack there.


[deleted] t1_ja4pdpo wrote



BluishHope t1_ja4vyrs wrote

Not attack innocent civilians? No need for a terrorism apologist, if anything, it weakens your cause.


[deleted] t1_ja4zluu wrote



BluishHope t1_ja51iu5 wrote

You have very dangerous views, which are showing your thought process quite well.
Being a civilian isn't some shield of status in a world of ashes, if you must resort to violence, you use it against whomever is damaging you. Their accountability in their actions is what makes one a possible, widely accepted target, not the other way around.
Plus, you seemingly know very little of the issue, as the population numbers of Palestinians in the Palestinian Territories are booming. Worst genocide ever.


SizorXM t1_ja5oz6v wrote

I wouldn’t shoot innocent people


IsraeliDonut t1_ja43uly wrote

Find this terrorist and never let him see the light of day again


Tauburn_ t1_ja79c6o wrote

Most Israelis would never see the light of day with this attitude


IsraeliDonut t1_ja7c81e wrote

How come?


Tauburn_ t1_ja7d9z9 wrote

A country built on settler terrorism. Not only as an institutional feature, but an apartheid ingrained socially within the fabric of Israeli identity.

To be Israeli is to be a purveyor of apartheid.

Find me an Israeli that fights for Palestinians and you’ll have found the exception.


IsraeliDonut t1_ja7gp5v wrote

What apartheid and how was the country built on settler terrorism?


Tauburn_ t1_ja7pggi wrote

Try google, ignorance in 2023 is as much pathetic as it is deplorable.

But I suspect that your knowledge and understanding are accurately reflected in banal baiting you’re engaging in.


BudgetFar380 t1_ja9wzjt wrote

This could be in response to the Palestinian who was beaten to death by Israeli settlors (I have the video) you can see it on twitter.


rewp234 t1_ja61ppr wrote

Tomorrow: 50 Palestinians killed in Israeli anti terror action


[deleted] t1_ja3oyt7 wrote



Dmatix t1_ja3qc0l wrote

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? He completed his service - he was a civilian, not armed or uniformed in any way. Not a combatant, and his teenage brother certainly wasn't either.

Ain't no double standard, you just don't give a shit about Israeli civilians.


yoyo456 OP t1_ja3ps43 wrote

>just completed his service in the Israeli Navy

Emphasis added. Learn to read. He isn't a soldier anymore. That makes him a civilian like anyone else.


[deleted] t1_ja3jn0n wrote



takeitineasy t1_ja3m1qe wrote

Justifying killing of civilians right here ^

When Palestinians die, I never give "context" (justifications) like you apparently do.


Homely_Corsican t1_ja3nj2h wrote

This is a problem created and perpetuated by the leadership on both sides, with a little help from the British of course. The extremism is on both sides as is the fault, and horrible acts like this will always occur as long as the occupation holds.

Edit: Sorry I questioned your worldview, downvoters.


SCZ- t1_ja3onjb wrote

So why didn't Gaza turn into a Middle Eastern Singapore but to a hellhole ruled by murderous terrorist group (which the Gazans elected themselves) even though Israel has lifted it's military occupation and forcefully uprooted every single Jew that lived in the Gaza Strip?

This is not about land, it's about ideology. The Palestinians even consider Tel Aviv a settlement, you simply cannot negotiate when the other side doesn't want anything less than a complete destruction of the other side.


Homely_Corsican t1_ja3q4ta wrote

I put some blame on the British for allowing two divergent societies to form in 1920s and 1930s. Some of the blame also rests on the UN for not allowing for a more peaceful partition. The Palestinians use of terror has not helped, nor have illegal occupations, blockades, or the creation of illegal settlements (all of which incredibly exacerbate the problem and delegitimize Israel on the world’s stage). Let’s not forget Israeli extremism. When you have a PM who says that Palestinians as a people don’t exist, how you move forward from that? How can you negotiate with someone perpetually victimizing you and denying your very existence?


SCZ- t1_ja3ub3x wrote

Yes the British Empire (along with France) has done unspeakable damage to the middle east; damage that is felt to this very day. However blaming the Brits for doing stuff 80 years ago isn't going to help anymore. Also twisting the historical facts that led to this conflict (like you just did) doesn't help either. How the UN would've partitioned the land is irrelevant because at that time the Arabs in Mandatory Palestine and in bordering countries did not condone the idea of a Jewish state in any boundary whatsoever. Moreover, the Arab states did not attack Israel to "free Palestine" (meaning to establish a Palestinian state) but to take the land for themselves. Further proof for that is that the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were Jordanian and Egyptian territories respectively until 1967 yet they did not establish a Palestinian state. Not only that, but the PLO (the Palestinian Liberation Organization) was established in 1964 when there was no Israeli occupation in the West Bank nor Gaza whatsoever (you can try and guess what they actually wanted to "liberate").

You also failed to mention that many Israeli Prime Ministers (both left wings and right wings) have tried to negotiate with the Palestinian but failed. The worse of then all was the Oslo Accords and then later the Camp David talks that eventually collapsed due to an intentional and planned uprising (the second intifada) by the Palestinian leadership.

But even after that, Israel gave the entire Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, Jew free as they wanted, with no conditions as a solid step toward peace and that also blew up in Israel's face.

There's a good reason why over the years Israelis have been leaning more and more toward the right political spectrum, whether it be the Palestinian leadership unwillingness to compromise even a bit for peace or the endless terror attacks against innocent civilians by suicide bombers or rocket barrages.

To this day the Palestinians haven't returned to the negotiating table. They deliberately incites its population against Jews, glorifies terror attacks against Israelis and even pays salaries to convicted terrorists (pay for slay).

So saying that "yeah both sides are bad" is giving the Palestinians way too much credit that they actually deserve.


Homely_Corsican t1_ja3w112 wrote

What fact did I twist? The UN could’ve done a lot more to ease the transition. Instead it paid for Europe’s crimes with Palestinian land, and also gave Israel the most resourceful land in the area, while Palestinians had no say whatsoever. Arabs were upset because they viewed the partition as more European imperialism is the region, which you acknowledge yourself. I agree that Palestine has been a political football of sorts both regionally and internationally.

In terms of negotiations, see my previous post. Also, the Palestinians likely see themselves as in a non-negotiable position as a result of desperation, very much like the Zionist terrorists involved in bombing and assassinations post WW2.

Also, should I start listing examples of Israeli terror, which are numerous, or indefinite detentions?

You conveniently ignore the blockade and settlements, both illegal under international law.

Edit: added stuff.


[deleted] t1_ja3nz9u wrote



yoyo456 OP t1_ja3pmd7 wrote

>they’re almost always branded as terrorists

Because, at least since the beginning of the year, they were almost always members of terror groups.

>deserving of it by being in close proximity to militants regardless of who they are.

These are the people my heart goes out too as well. They don't choose who lives next to them or what is done next door and yet get caught in the crossfire anyways. But the alternative is to let terror groups go without threat. Of course it is sad there are civilian casulaties, but the IDF tries to minimize them and succeedes in recent years compared to other armies (obviously there are some, but at least less)


[deleted] t1_ja3r7qs wrote



yoyo456 OP t1_ja3v0g5 wrote

The main highway goes through the town. They were stuck in traffic. They were shot at point blank and the terrorist ran off by foot. They were going to their yeshivas in Olga (about 45 minutes north of Tel Aviv) and Kiriyat Shmonah (near Lebanese border) not even in the West Bank.

If you don't like Jews driving through, don't build your village on the main highway.


[deleted] t1_ja3vwr1 wrote



yoyo456 OP t1_ja3yjs5 wrote

>The settlers are the one who built their towns and the highways

Yes, yes. The ancient Nablus-Jerusalem road was built by settlers. You know this was an ancient road that connected Nablus to Hebron through Jerusalem and Bethlehem (and today Afula and Ramallah as well) we are talking about. Maybe settlers paved it (and I'm not even sure of that), but they certainly didn't choose the route.


[deleted] t1_ja3z2ea wrote



yoyo456 OP t1_ja40nyj wrote

And that warrents their murder? What is one democracy that punishes illegal building with vigilante murder?


Preisschild t1_ja42kyv wrote

Ukraine doesnt target russian civilians.

Those guys do almost primarily


[deleted] t1_ja42r22 wrote



grapehelium t1_ja46ykh wrote

can you please give examples showing how israel supposedly regularly targets civilians? I.e. civilans killed for simply existing, not in proximity to a firefight.

I am not denying that there have been civilian deaths on the palestinian side, I am denying that Israel has a policy of targeting civilians for no reason other than to kill a palestinian.

The point is, There are palestinian groups that exist to kill jews. including civilians. Including kids in beds. including people having a drink at a pub - just regular civilians, not soldiers involved in a firefight.


[deleted] t1_ja48h0p wrote



Ahneg t1_ja4j10s wrote

I saw nothing in that talking about Israel purposely targeting civilians. It was mainly about punitive home demolitions. Perhaps I missed it though, could you quote where it says what you claim?


yoyo456 OP t1_ja3osf0 wrote

>The brothers were residents of the Har Bracha settlement

Read: living in the wrong area as a Jew is justification for your murder. Yes, I know the settlements are illegal, but where has anyone decided the punishment on the individual is death?

How would the world feel if every time a Palestinian illegally built a structure, Israel kills them? Seems pretty disproportionate, doesn't it?

>had just completed his service in the Israeli Navy

Read: is now a civilian and served in a relatively low-conflict unit when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

>65 Palestinians murdered in Israeli terror shootings in West Bank since the beginning of the year.

And how many were militants actively shooting at soldiers? A vast majority of them.


Ok_Anything_5052 t1_ja6fcx7 wrote

wow can’t even make a comment on here without the IDF downvoting the fuck outta you


SeanConneryShlapsh t1_ja6snnc wrote

It’s terror when palestine does it but not when Israel does it lol. Classic. What a fucking shit show. Kids need to be in charge of everything. Adults are fucked.


Tautou_ t1_ja4lmp9 wrote

Settlers have begun a pogrom in Hawara, lighting Palestinian homes, attacking and killing Palestinians in retaliation. Smotrich liked a tweet calling for Hawara to be wiped out.


yoyo456 OP t1_ja6ilf7 wrote

Don't know why you are getting down voted. It is true. Some people will never admit it when "their side" does wrong. This is one of those times for me. I sat in front of the news last night here is Israel horrified at what was going on.


Roey2009 t1_ja71d5h wrote

Am Israeli, ex-military, in fact. Can confirm. It's disgusting, and I condemn it with all my heart. It was done by the far-right (when is it not?) Settlers, the same camp of far-right Minister Ben-Gvir, and far-right Minister Smortrich.

Honestly. Fuck the far right. Fucking lunatics.

That does not mean I condone any Palestinian terror attacks, done by Palestinians far-right. Fuck them too.

Just live, ffs, why the violence?


TerbiumInside t1_ja5owvw wrote

Keep lapping up that Palestinian propaganda buddy


yoyo456 OP t1_ja6ioh2 wrote

This time it isn't Palestinian propaganda. It did actually happen. Open up the news, even the Israeli news and you will see.


BardicSense t1_ja62ykt wrote

Crazy biased headline here.


yoyo456 OP t1_ja6ic6t wrote

I posted this before any riots started there. The settlers started riots and burning down buildings in Hwara and should be punished to the fullest extant of the law and put behind bars. Did not know that more news developing meant I'm biased.


Electrical-Buy-275 t1_ja6h1im wrote

this is ridiculously biased


yoyo456 OP t1_ja6i601 wrote

Just saying, I posted this before any riots started. I'm horrified by the riots and the settlers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


lastreadlastyear t1_ja4hzh3 wrote

Violence begets violence. Israel is like Old Testament god rn


jaiiiiiiii- t1_ja4qpww wrote

Fuck them terrorists, fuck the IDF. Both are just as bad as each other, i just hope some day israel will just decide to back down and allow for a 2 state solution.


Thialcantara t1_ja4w7qo wrote

You do realize serving in the IDF is a must and most Israelis serve right? And it's a body with rules and laws that are very strict while on the other hand you literally have terror organizations that target innocent people and celebrate murder publicly..


jaiiiiiiii- t1_ja4xczj wrote

One kills innocent people, one kills innocent people but with rules that hardly ever punish vlatantly obvious war crimes. Of course im bit gonna defend palestinian terrorists if they attack citizens, but i'm also not gonna defend those israeli institutions who enable the same things they always criticise palestine for.


randoredirect t1_ja8lfjw wrote

Idf are quite restrained by their rules. Meanwhile hamas and PIJ are restrained by their incompetence. Imagine if idf stopped following their rules altogether, imagine the rivers of blood that would be formed. Now think, it's better because idf has rules right?


Head_Games_ t1_ja2zr4d wrote



[deleted] t1_ja2ying wrote



MemoryLaps t1_ja30yj2 wrote

Are you saying this didn't happen? Or are you more concerned that someone linked this source than you are about the murders the article is taking about?


Rkozlow t1_ja34ovx wrote

Reddit is filled with anti semites who will blindly support Palestine no matter the circumstances. Reddit sees themselves as some sort of keyboard freedom fighters against all causes that are “anti fascist” and most of them have literally zero understanding of the issue. It’s embarrassing.


Shaykea t1_ja38urk wrote

it's just a fact, the source doesn't even matter in this case as long as its a valid believable one


PsYDaniel3 t1_ja2yw7g wrote

There is nothing biased by stating an obvious terror attack


takeitineasy t1_ja3adu7 wrote

Are you suffering from too much karma, or just woefully uninformed about how things work in the region?


bootlegvader t1_ja3vzb1 wrote

Why? Is Jerusalem Post a state-run media source owned by an autocratic government like Al Jazeera?


IsraeliDonut t1_ja43os2 wrote

How is it biased? Where do you see bias in the article?