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Ivcsi t1_ja53993 wrote

Talk about a bad idea... They could route traffic through one of their friendlier neighbours, or just have their agents work out of different nations.

What that would do is further reinforce the global precedent of "if you oppose the incumbent order we can do whatever we want".

That might not sound like a bad thing to you, but nations aren't friendly fairies flying around spreading love through the hills. There are plenty of nations out there that, while not openly hostile, don't want to exist for the rest of eternity in a USA dominated world.

India, as an example, has a bright outlook for the future, and is already very concerned by what the global reaction to the Ukrainian war may mean for its future.

At the end of the day, all justifications of right and wrong aside, we basically live in a world where America and American aligned nations can bend and bypass international laws as they see fit, while nations opposed to these collective powers can not. While America may have no reason to oppose a nation like India today, that may very well change in the future.

Doing something like cutting a nation off from the internet will without a doubt convince many other nations to lower their reliance on the world wide net so that they never find themselves on the wrong side of the gun. This would inevitably translate to things like invasive national firewalls, state endorsed copy right infringement, and secondary networks between non-Western nations (ala a central Asia network).

And then there's also the risk of Russia taking this as a sign of "well maybe I should just cut your wires as well".