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yaniv297 t1_ja5hg0h wrote

> it doesn't make sense for Palestine to become the only country since WW2 that accepts the legitimacy of losing territory by military conquest.

First of all, Palestinians never had a country or official territory to begin with. Some of the Israeli offers were very fair in the circumstances.

You say it "doesn't make sense" to accept the loss - why? What's the alternative, what's the Palestinian end game, to win the war and conquer Israel? Israel have one of the world's best and most modern armies, state of art intelligence that knows everything in Gaza strip, a top class airforce, the Mossad, Shin Bet, etc. Plus Israel have the USA on its side, and they have nukes.

So option one: keep fighting this truly hopeless fight hoping for some miraclous win, while living in povetry and hundreds of innocents on both sides die.

Option two - accept defeat and a peace deal, build a country that's smaller than you wanted. The world will celebrate this unlikely peace - A truly peaceful Palestinian country will be immediately beloved worldwide and will be showered with donations. Palestinians have often worked in Israel and with Israelis. Over time, if true peace holds, the new country can benefit greatly from Israel's riches, jobs and technologies.

But according to you, option two "doesn't make sense", because, well... Why?


Ahneg t1_ja64omf wrote

Offering up nothing more then my personal opinion here I believe that if the Palestinians choose peace and play their cards right they could be enormously economically successful. I’ve never been but from what I hear about Gaza and their climate and beaches the place could be another Monte Carlo, and the religious tourism in the West Bank would be off the charts, if people felt safe.


yaniv297 t1_ja6ywky wrote

Yeah well, the Tel Aviv beaches are gorgeous and the Gaza coastline is the continuation of them. With all the "publicity" of the conflict, a peaceful solution would be historic world news and will cause a huge financial bloom. There's so much potential to make Gaza truly a beautiful thing. Sadly, the population there is not very educated (lack universities, etc), but this can change with times.


dmastra97 t1_ja7ds7y wrote

I guess you have to put yourselves in their shoes. If part of your country was taken over would you just accept it?
