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HunterDHunter t1_j9eo6aq wrote

You mean like how Russian troops inside Belarus massed at the Ukraine border and invaded Ukraine?


trollinDC t1_j9f2xob wrote

No comrade you are mistaken. Come with me to 16th floor balcony for wodka and story time.


bigmilker t1_j9f4kmm wrote

They are serving vodka now? Thought it was just a quick skyline tour


BoxedLunchable t1_j9fgdxg wrote

Vell you know how it iz comrade. I need a nice glass of wodka after seeing dear friend fall to death below.


bigmilker t1_j9fgji3 wrote

It is a long elevator ride down. Need nice?


Cr33py07dGuy t1_j9gpp3r wrote

Netflix n’ window


Zaethiel t1_j9gxfn3 wrote

Dude let Russia amass it’s troops in his country without realizing they could kill him and take his country in a couple hours of work


CompositeBeing t1_j9eqhco wrote

  • Russia is using Belarusian territory to invade Ukraine.
  • Ukrainians are bolstering their defences between Belarus and Kiyev to prevent previous year scenario.
  • Russian puppet in Belarus claims that Ukrainian defensive tactics "imposes a risk for Belarus"... 🤦 Yeah - if russian army wouldn't be able to invade Ukraine then that will probably just take over Minsk and enact Belarus as their own Oblast.

zedemer t1_j9f1l3j wrote

Exactly my thoughts. If Belarus would kick the Russian army out of its territory, they'd be no reason to mobilize at the border. And I'm sure Ukraine would be happy to have one less front to worry about


Louisvanderwright t1_j9gddds wrote

Honestly there's less and less of a reason for Ukraine not to just push Russia out of Moldova and then Belarus.


zedemer t1_j9ges00 wrote

Despite Russia's general incompetence, it's hard enough as it is for Ukraine to defend its territory. Going through Moldova and Belarus would be a death sentence as the Russian propaganda puppets there would decry it as an invasion by Ukraine and how Russia was right all along. And I'm fairly certain Ukraine would stop receiving outside help at that point as well.


ajaxfetish t1_j9h12j2 wrote

In Moldova, there's the possibility they are invited in by the Moldovan government, removing the risk of losing western support. And if successful, it would make for a more stable Moldova, and a western border that doesn't require as much of a military presence from Ukraine any longer.


Giftfri t1_j9gf9xf wrote

It’s thar kind of thinking that Got this war started in the first place


Otherwise-Ad-8404 t1_j9esawe wrote

Oh do shut up you boring little puppet.


WickedSlice_ OP t1_j9euysj wrote

Whilst I know everyone is talking to Luka, I can’t help bet feel they’re telling me to shut up and get fucked lol.


KamSolis t1_j9f4iyg wrote

Shut up and get fucked by someone you find sexually appealing and can build a nice and happy life with.


andybror t1_j9genh7 wrote

LOL. You know even though I agree with most of those comments, it sometimes gets a little repetitive. Like you open a thread and the discussion is only chest puffing and jokes I’ve seen 500 times before. It is what it is I guess


diazinth t1_j9f0ofq wrote

Congratulations, you’re human! ^,^


fappyday t1_j9hfs6k wrote

Shut up and get fucked by the lover of your dreams, then jog on and lead a lovely and full life.


Tractor_Pete t1_j9hxcel wrote

Sold his nation's future for a few more years in power. I think he is the lowest, most degraded head of state in the world.


macross1984 t1_j9ep63p wrote

Well, Belarus is "hosting" Russian military there so what do you expect?


Blindman213 t1_j9eo1gz wrote

Probably not going to attack but appeasing putin by setting information conditions.


didimao11B t1_j9eo85l wrote

This is the mentality that got Ukraine side swiped to begin with so don’t be complacent.


Blindman213 t1_j9ep44a wrote

I get where your coming from. I am basing this on ISW's continued threat assessment of Belarus entering the war. Those guys are far more competent than I am at guessing this stuff.


adashko997 t1_j9frz05 wrote

The ISw has made some bad predictions throughout this year (Bakhmut most importantly) but overall they've been a fantastic place to stay up to date


trelium06 t1_j9gyqe7 wrote

In their defense, predicting unforced errors is impossible. They looked at the available info and rightly presumed a competent leader would have captured Bakhmut. Alas, Wagner lacks such competence.


didimao11B t1_j9fdnqw wrote

100% fair and valid ty for the clarification.


Sidus_Preclarum t1_j9eski3 wrote

Ah yes, it's *totally* Ukraine who's a risk to Belarus' security, and not the other way around, sure.


fifa71086 t1_j9geanl wrote

Russia totally didn’t get caught with written plans to take over Belarus in the coming years. That story didn’t just come out. It’s Ukraine in their own territory that are the problem.


Fit-Seaworthiness437 t1_j9eux5e wrote

Yeah, they massed there because you have a shitload of russians inside your borders.


WickedSlice_ OP t1_j9ez6h9 wrote

I can assure you I have zero troops inside my borders. (I have no borders)


Xivvx t1_j9erw6x wrote

It's just exercises bro


PencilPacket t1_j9f37ai wrote

Step 1: explain that Belarus will only invade Ukraine if they are first invaded. Step 2: claim Ukraine are threatening Belarus borders. Step 3: Blow something up inside your own borders. Step 4: say it was Ukraine.


OrcHunter247 t1_j9f6pd7 wrote

5: Belarus moves south. 6: Poland moves east. 7: Checkmate.


Chrisf1bcn t1_j9eoq6m wrote

Go Lukawanko and see if your country stands behind your tongue that’s so far up putlers arsehole, your cleaning his eyes like a fat lizard


State_of_Iowa t1_j9g6oqm wrote

He couldn't hear you from the other side of his sprawling dacha in the Urals.


External_Net480 t1_j9epteh wrote

Do we as western nations allow the gang up on Ukraine to continue if Belarus joins the fight? Where do we draw a line , because otherwise the support would be for nothing. Kind of escalation path I hate to see.. .


TheNBGco t1_j9ex92q wrote

Well judging by the surprise visit, which is super non standard, and his message being were in it for as long as it takes.

Were prolly sending them fighter jets soon.

Idk if the US puts boots on ground. But theyre assessing and giving weapons in return for everytime putin escalates.

Belarus isnt the issue. Its china. If china backs russia its gonna get crazy.


LethalFromage t1_j9f1gad wrote

It's always been China. Putin is nothing more than a guinea-pig here. Xi wanted to see what the west would do and convinced Putin to launch his invasion. Had it gone well Taiwan would already have fallen.


axle69 t1_j9gkij0 wrote

Taiwan is a hell of a lot more prepared than Ukraine was just in general. I think China only moves on Taiwan if they feel like it'll receive zero help in any form.


TheNBGco t1_j9feeyw wrote

Taiwan is a redline. I guess china could just blast it to bits but thats war.

Those semi conductors are very important to USA military equipment. Need them for our jets/subs/nukes/radars everything.

Without those were pretty screwed short term.

And one thing USA doesnt mess with is its military.

My thinking is it took nearly a year for Russia to attack ukraine.

I feel tho China has determined it is entering in the next year or so and Russia is now prolonging the war trying to get the WEST to use up as much ammunition as possible and take out what they can.

Russia is still trying to take Maldova even while getting their shit kicked in. That doesnt tell me deescalation is coming.

But im just a smoothed brain ape and never been in military. I do study psychology and like making my best guess on how people will respond. I think theyre waiting.

And i think everyone who has written russia off will be mistaken.

Why arent we allowing them to strike moscow or inside russia with the weapons we give ?

Why are we holding out jets ?

What took so long to send tanks ?

Why are our leaders worried about escalating. They know something we dont.


SavageNorth t1_j9gvuse wrote

> Why are our leaders worried about escalating

Russia has been a Nuclear power for decades.


TheNBGco t1_j9h7kpy wrote

Right. So why do people think theyre so weak? Our leaders dont think that.


ZephkielAU t1_j9hm6pl wrote

Same reason you don't pick a fight with a scrawny kid with a gun. But if he starts a fistfight, you punch back.


External_Net480 t1_j9exp1y wrote

China will back Russia, they always play the waiting game. But they can't afford loosing Russia as a dictator partner. What if Russia looses and breaks up, or the current government will get ousted by revolutionairy people smelling a chance of regime change in a more democratic way. That is a scenario China really want to avoid. So they will pitch in sooner or later I guess..


alpha_dk t1_j9ezyvr wrote

Nothing says "i'm just protecting Russia from NATO" like relying on Chinese occupiers to prevent revolution!


TheNBGco t1_j9eym33 wrote

Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Im afraid youre right. Hope were wrong.


Sassybeagle t1_j9h62k7 wrote

The US and EU are massive buyers of Chinese goods and services. China won’t do anything to destroy their own economy since that would tank their entire country. Russia cannot make up for the net loss that China’s economy would be hit and without that massive economy, there would be massive unrest. China’s been shrewd about playing the long game for its entire existence and there isn’t anything that would screw them over as much as a direct confrontation with the West.


AppearanceOk4030 t1_j9ewvbi wrote

The way authoritarian countries flip the narrative for their own benefit, making them look like defenseless victims, is simply astounding. Belarus is the country from which some of the missile strikes have been launched, which means Lukashenko had his hand in the ongoing war, but he still tries to cheat his people into believing Russia and Belarus are the righteous ones. Amazing... Truly.


Eoganachta t1_j9hnxov wrote

Ukraine gets invaded by Russian troops stationed in Belarus

Ukraine stations troops on border

Belarus "This is a clear provocation by Ukraine!"


RaycharlesN t1_j9ewe6h wrote

Poland ought to take em out


AstroFuzz t1_j9fp7gq wrote

This is the exact same shit Russia said as a half-assed pretext to invading Ukraine.

"they were standing too close to use so we had to murder them"

Fuck off mini Putin.


mynextthroway t1_j9ftsi5 wrote

So you're saying Russia has failed so completely, and Ukraine is so strong that they are able to amass enough troops on your border that it scares you. This is what you mean, correct?


hamiwin t1_j9fooh7 wrote

Oh fuck, is Lukashenko really considering being a complete bitch of Putin?


kaenneth t1_j9i87x4 wrote

He's dreaming that if he guzzles enough of Putin's DNA he'll become him; like MHA.


badautomaticusername t1_j9ftylx wrote

Guess that'd mean Russians doing so badly Ukraine has military to spare


Sim_Daydreamer t1_j9gxdg1 wrote

And russian troops at Belarussian-Ukrainian border are definitely not risking Ukraines security


Kewenfu t1_j9f386u wrote

Keep on lying like big brother Russia. I can't wait for your army to turn on you!


damienDev t1_j9fm1st wrote

we are going to invade you because you have defense protecting your borders.


Abd_SMT t1_j9fwv4o wrote

Those politians talk with no brain.


Trance354 t1_j9g3fyu wrote

Guess Russian troops are taking over earlier than expected. What happened to 10 years?

Putin: "Why wait?"


PuzKarapuz t1_j9g59h9 wrote

rockets and jets from belarussua not risking for civilian?


Appert87 t1_j9g6py4 wrote

Maybe station NATO troops close to the Polish-Belarussian border (in case they dare to get involved too) and watch if they dare to invade…they are looking for a reason.


Huge_Ad_8767 t1_j9g6rg3 wrote

You stay on your side of the fence and we will stay on ours .


Cobby1927 t1_j9g9px1 wrote

Putin's false flag from the north.


LewAshby309 t1_j9gb1eo wrote

Ah the 'ukraine is attacking us' story they try to tell to attack again from their border probably on 24th.

He already stated they will only fight against Ukraine if Ukraine attacks them. Simply preparing his reasoning.


ADDeviant-again t1_j9gh4wx wrote

"We HAD to invade them! They were getting ready to stop us from invading them after we told them we were! So, we HAD to. There was no other option!"


[deleted] t1_j9h07hp wrote

What amazing ventriloquism by Russia, it's almost like Belarus is really its own state but I've seen this illusion before


autotldr t1_j9eoo1t wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot)

> Belarus allowed Russia to use its territory as a launch pad for the invasion of Ukraine a year ago, and President Alexander Lukashenko said last week it was ready to do so again.

> Kyiv has voiced concerns for months that Belarus could join the war on Russia's side, a potential threat that has forced it to divert troops to defend the north of Ukraine while waging war with Russia in the east and south.

> On Monday, President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Kyiv to send a message of the United States' "enduring support" for Ukraine and announce further military aid for the army of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Russia^#1 Ukraine^#2 Lukashenko^#3 Belarus^#4 border^#5


BloodletterUK t1_j9et2xa wrote

Ain't there one giant wetland on the border between Ukraine and Belarus?


is0ph t1_j9f1l3z wrote

Built by tactical beavers.


dchallenge t1_j9fbj1k wrote

Pics or it didn’t happen


Ok-Carpenter6293 t1_j9fg0bc wrote

How does he not feel like a small, floppy cock saying this when the rest of their world got news that Russia plans to make his country its bitch in the next 7-8 years?


Lost-Matter-5846 t1_j9fnbfv wrote

Guess that means Belarus and Russia are ready to start coming up with a false flag operation against Ukraine for Belarus to join


kuda-stonk t1_j9fx2hl wrote

"In response to our Joint invasion posturing with russia, who already attacked from our country, Ukraine seems to have begun setting up defenses... this displeases Putin, and he hits me when he gets mad... please let us invade you peacefully..."


Sorry-Business-1152 t1_j9gdf2k wrote

Ha! You mean they know they’re about to be attack by Belarus so they’re strengthening their border


KptKreampie t1_j9geev9 wrote

Ya ok lmao. The whole world knows ya'll the baddies. Get fucked!


BriskHeartedParadox t1_j9gite6 wrote

He knows it’s the end when he gives an order and it’s ignored. This will go poorly for the portly dictator who was voted out


whitechristianjesus t1_j9gj4z7 wrote

My brother in Christ, the threat to your security is Russia. Quit kissing ass, it won't save you!


Nareki t1_j9gl7cv wrote

Yeah yeah Pinocchio...


DontJudgeMeImNaked t1_j9gouqj wrote

"I don't know what to do with myself so I will just make some random public statement".


shilly_willy t1_j9gow6c wrote

We've seen what Ukraine can do to russian troops,. Imagine what they would do to Belarus.


Rogthgar t1_j9gqanc wrote

Likely because they heard a statement that could easily be followed up with a false flag operation that would then trigger the statement?


neck21 t1_j9gqoc9 wrote

The troops are probably there in response to Russian troops that Belarus let sit at the boarder as well


Big-Zoo t1_j9gswkf wrote

Russia invades them via Belarus. The fuck you want them to do?


-Neeckin- t1_j9gtsh4 wrote

I hope the people of Belarus understand what their leader is slowly dragging them to


VegasKL t1_j9gv2la wrote

Yeah, it's called protecting themselves from their aggressive neighbors.


trekthrowaway1 t1_j9gvpsr wrote

its called establishing defences against the invading forces you keep letting use your territory

say if i owned a fence, and on my neighbours side is a chicken farm, on my side is a pack of wolves, if i dont do anything about the wolves crossing the fence to eat the chickens i dont get to complain if my neighbour builds a better fence on their side


winbott t1_j9hepww wrote

Their leader is already unpopular with their people and exposed as a puppet. Arming your own opposition is a really bad idea. Here is hoping the Belarusian people take full advantage of this and put his ass out to pasture.


Gabemann2000 t1_j9hnnzp wrote

The invasion by Russia from Belarusian territory didn’t threaten Ukraines security one bit…. How dare those Ukrainians prepared for war that was started upon them.


KamSolis t1_j9f4bse wrote

No dude, your closeness to Russia has risked the security of your people.


bigfootspacesuit t1_j9fayzz wrote

Fatso is looking for an excuse to enter the war, doesn't realise that if Ukraine falls, he's next


Ideon_ t1_j9fkrcu wrote

here we go


xnxkq t1_j9fo9n6 wrote

They haven’t.


lamp817 t1_j9glnia wrote

Is Reddit down?


Dietmeister t1_j9gs3tq wrote

I honestly don't see any way in which it would benefit Ukraine to attack Belarus, although it would knock out staging areas of Russia out of the war, it would simply cost too much and prolong the battle front.

Sorry Luka


PeksyTiger t1_j9gtwoq wrote

Just give him the colonel rank already, he's trying so hard.


zaphrous t1_j9h94ly wrote

They're after that Sweet Sweet Belarussian Buckwheat.


Jeep-RN t1_j9hawyx wrote

Probably shouldn’t look over toward Poland.


Reddenied68 t1_j9hftu4 wrote

What? Why do you think they are there you fucking oaf? Russians are attacking them and building up forces in your country. This is going to be a false flag I can see it a mile away.


[deleted] t1_j9hg3na wrote

They there to stop you from invading.


NitazeneKing t1_j9hwvuj wrote

Ukraine needs planes, tanks, and missiles with enough range to hit Moscow. They should have never trusted Russia and gotten rid of their nukes


whiteb8917 t1_j9hz2rs wrote

Awwwww what is the matter Little Man ?, upset that Ukraine has troops ready and waiting for Russian Soldiers that just so happen to be using your area as a staging area to attack Ukraine ?


Pgruk t1_j9i53it wrote

Oh no way!!! And just days after Belarus said they would join the war only if Ukraine directly attacked them? Who could have predicted this surprising, and definitely not false flag turn of events.


sierra120 t1_j9ig8cz wrote

Irving to worry about; it’s just a training exercise.


delightfuldinosaur t1_j9ihruh wrote

"You have a firearm in your own home for self defense. That's risking my security as someone who wants to rob you!"


PerryNeeum t1_j9imxi9 wrote

Guess Belarus is bullshitting their way into the war.


ZenwalkerNS t1_j9ius9l wrote

It seems everything coming from the east and their allies is horseshit.


poppadahut2 t1_j9j1653 wrote

bullshit, but what can you expect from the second segment of the russia-belarus centipede


ED-_-209 t1_j9jm6vx wrote

Who are they trying to convince??


ReadyToWork20 t1_j9f8npc wrote

Oh no ..... I guess you'd better attack Ukraine then.. ... right .....?


State_of_Iowa t1_j9g6jnv wrote

Ukraine is a big bully, picking on Russia and Belarus. Next they'll go after China! Just wait!