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smiddy53 t1_jabw9sp wrote

Aus. and The US (and others) share intel all the time, we are part of the Five Eyes Alliance, NSA/CIA/FBI are hooked into our communications just like their homeland, etc.


TheseLipsSinkShips t1_jac1f7q wrote

Will be interesting to see whose names show up on the evidence gathered…


notyouraverageturd t1_jacqlds wrote

Do you think 45 shows up as Don T, DT, or D Trump to protect his anonymity?


philocoffee t1_jae63ye wrote

I imagine it will be a little more subtle... like PP. Not necessarily because he's a dick, but because of his Petite Phalanges.


Noblman_Swerve t1_jadkd6c wrote

I knew someone trying to get into an Australian intelligence agency focusing on cybersecurity, presumably counter-intelligence, have no idea about their operations obviously but I know trying to get in is no joke, definitely have to keep a low profile.