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drogoran t1_ja7k7n6 wrote

wonder when the time for talking is over and people actually get to doing


workyworkaccount t1_ja8awh0 wrote

About 30 years ago.

I think at this point we're just strapped in and waiting for the ride to get exciting.


LiliNotACult t1_ja8bc3h wrote

This. We're running on fumes now. It's amazing to see how many people just don't care or ignore the news because they think it doesn't affect them.


[deleted] t1_ja8pvuf wrote



valoon4 t1_ja9pniz wrote

We can if we work together. The question is will the majority join?


OngoGoblogian t1_ja8n4dz wrote

I don't care and ignore it because we're all already screwed. I accept defeat and try to enjoy life as much as I can.


suicine88 t1_ja90g5o wrote

Understandable, but does morally preclude you from having children


PuckFutin69 t1_ja9cpxh wrote

I had kids before realizing and every single day is a mixture of joy seeing them grow and fear of the life they'll get to live with the current global state. That's if we're even able to feed people by the end of the decade.


Storm_Bard t1_ja8f9e5 wrote

We are strapped in for a bad time but we need action to make it so our bad time is "Throwing up in a Denny's bathroom" and not "Asked the wife for a threesome with her sister"


DarkIegend16 t1_ja85m86 wrote

When it’s too late and corporations realise they can’t spend the money they sold our current sea levels for.


QristopherQuixote t1_ja7cs7y wrote

While the closest most people in the US, including myself, have come to experiencing a true famine is watching sad commercials on TV, disasters that could result in the loss of half the world's population are just getting started. Extreme weather, unrecoverable drought, fires, disease, loss of arable land, loss of habitat are all problems that have been accelerating rather than getting better.

Water crises will be one of many battles over resources. South Africa has had cities run out of potable water. While these issues have been addressed, this problem is growing in Africa. In the US we are seeing new water wars emerge between states, including areas in the southwest wanting to drain water from the Great Lakes. Many wars have been fought over land, water, and natural resources. We are going to see more issues in places that can least afford these conflicts, and we will see other problems in developed countries like the US where some regions become nearly uninhabitable.

I think many people have climate fatigue when we should be seeing more climate panic. I think we are in for a great deal more global pain before the world does what is necessary.


drTNT t1_ja96vmj wrote

The fatigue is in knowing about those consequences and being completely incapable of doing anything about it.

We all know what the problems with the climate is and that they need to be fixed, but politicians continue to do nothing. The panic fades into the realization that this is probably inevitable.

Like at this point we’ve proved climate change is an issue like 20 different ways and people are still fighting it. I don’t think there is literally anything that can be said or done that will convince all the climate denial idiots, maybe they’ll accept reality once they run out of water.


Speakdoggo t1_ja7o35v wrote

How about we start by stopping the funding ( subsidies ) of fossil fuels? It’s what , 1T a year globally now? Or was it 1.3? The numbers are so astronomical I can’t even fathom what that amount is. Take money out of politics so we can vote for progressive policies which keep allowing the oligarchs to rule…and pay lawmakers to make rules which favor them.


Jhereg22 t1_ja9g89b wrote

"Slams" is out of date. Headlines need to move on to "Brutalizes" or "Exterminates".


autotldr t1_ja7bu2z wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 73%. (I'm a bot)

> GENEVA - U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday stressed the importance of legal challenges against "Climate-wrecking corporations" like fossil-fuel producers, ratcheting up his call for the fight against climate change- this time before the U.N.'s top human rights body.

> ADVERTISEMENT. Guterres has previously said that fossil-fuel producers need to be held to account, but pressing the issue before the U.N.'s top human rights body - made up of 47 member countries, plus scores of observer states - raises the stakes.

> Nearly half the world's population - 3.5 billion people - live in "climate hot spots" that are "fast becoming human rights disaster zones where floods, droughts and storms mean people are 15 times more likely to die of climate impacts," he said.

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