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NorthStarZero t1_j9x75ao wrote

As a Canadian tanker, no thank you.

Replacement Leopards or the new Panther plz.


quick4142 t1_j9x9seg wrote

Noob question but curious why? Are the Abrahams not good?


cudeLoguH t1_j9xeqw0 wrote

They dont work too well in the cold climates and from what i’ve heard are a pain to keep running in the winter compared to the leopard 2s

Also the Abrams are extremely overweight like the british challenger 2s and are overall not fit for our terrain


PumpkinManGuy t1_j9xhut3 wrote

They're a great tank, just not for the Canadian use case. Like most military equipment, a lot of the options are good, but your situation and needs will dictate the best option.


Tr3sp4ss3r t1_j9x9u2o wrote

Outsider perspective: Yes you are right. I mean if you had the logistics to keep the jet fuel in the tank for the Abrahms, maybe, but you would also have to be good at protecting the logistics... just stick with the conventional stuff, perfectly good tanks.


mindman5225 t1_j9xjx0d wrote

Abrams can run on multiple types of fuel.


Tr3sp4ss3r t1_j9ym8d1 wrote

>Abrams tanks run on a "gas turbine engine which needs jet fuel," Kirby said. "So there's a specific type of fuel that powers the Abrams, and we've got to make sure that pipeline—literally and figuratively—is available to Ukraine."

The article goes on to mention that it can run on other types of fuel, but no one has done so to their knowledge. There is no "idle", the turbine runs continuously after ignition so, if/when they do use another fuel, the same problem arises only with a different fuel. The Abrahms is a HUGE fuel hog. That's the problem.