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PornHippo t1_j9szwaw wrote

Send jets and then what? Logistics is a thing. They will need maintenance, ammo, pilots. You can't just give them away without the recipient having a way to deal with everything that comes with it.

Johnson is such slimy bastard who will say anything to appeal to the masses.


369_Clive t1_j9udemw wrote

I think it's more that he simply doesn't / cannot handle details: BJ is headlines kind of guy.

Details like pilots, ammo, maintenance are boring "details for the backroom boffins". One reason Brexit remains a mess: he couldn't get his head round all the complexities. Not a trait you want in a PM 🤦‍♂️


Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tnswl wrote

Arent they training pilots already? I remember reading something about that.


Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tp824 wrote

Britain to train Ukraine combat fighter pilots

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has committed to training Ukrainian combat jet pilots, according to a statement made ahead of a Feb. 8 visit to London by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tqbkq wrote

I believe they also have 100 Typhoon jets, even if a handful of them are in working order is still directs the heat at the UK breaking the taboo so others can send theirs.