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yax51 t1_jaeumcz wrote

Yeah...I kinda feel that Germany has no business telling Israel anything


IndeterminateYogurt t1_jaf2k87 wrote

This is a bullshit take. Honestly. Its not 1945 anymore, grow up.


Lazorgunz t1_jaf4y5q wrote

some countries go forwards, other backwards. Idiots cant tell the difference


izit23 t1_jaev9g8 wrote



[deleted] t1_jaevr91 wrote



ObjectiveDark40 t1_jaex39i wrote

Yes because the government from 80 years ago is the same as today. Germany is frozen in time and has never moved forward.


DawnCallerAiris t1_jaf2493 wrote

Ngl if I were an Israeli Jew I probably would not rush to take advice on how to run things from the country filled with the children of people who murdered 6 million of mostly your people for no real reason. Or anyone else for that matter, given the appalling apathy the stories faced during the war.


[deleted] t1_jaeycez wrote



IndeterminateYogurt t1_jaf2e37 wrote

Your ancestor might have killed one of my ancestors. Does that make you guilty?


chullyman t1_jaf29zl wrote

> So, 80 years ago, you killed off everyone you didn’t like–even people who had caused you no harm


No not “you” the German government is different now. Your argument makes no sense.


lbktort t1_jaevxq3 wrote

Nazi Germany doesn't exist anymore.


Froticlias t1_jaexpox wrote

Who knows the weight of sin better than one who has tried to atone?


SuperSpread t1_jaevy8o wrote

Is Germany committing genocide now? No. Is Israel committing genocide now? Yes. Simple as that.


DynamoPyro t1_jaeyx3o wrote

Genocide? You mean against Palestine which has... terror groups with broad public support that repeatedly advocate for the genocide of the Jewish people?

Don't get me wrong the whole division and allocation of land in the region was whack but when literally all Arab nations tried to forcefully conquer and wipe out everyone in Israel and lost and as a result more land was in Israeli hands?

Like idk man I used to be gungho for Palestine till I actually read up on Arab-Israeli wars. There's been major atrocities on both sides of everything, I think that both sides do have valid claims to the land itself but claiming either side is 100 percent innocent and always right is a bad take.


chibiace t1_jaf25lx wrote

Claims to land because some people you may be related to lived there thousands of years ago is not valid.


nibord t1_jaf0p67 wrote

Are you saying genocide is okay when performed against a group that advocates for genocide?

Cause I’m pretty firmly on the “nobody should commit genocide” side of things.


yolkadot t1_jaewib6 wrote

That’s not how the world should work.

Germany has been an anti fascist state for decades. Fighting to redeem itself from its horrible past.

Israel needs to be called out and should be sanctioned, just like Russia, for its crimes against humanity.

Currently, saying anything that opposes the genocide in Israel, is quickly branded as antisemitic rhetoric by Germans, which poses a great problem, in helping Palestinians.

I don’t think it’s far fetched to compare similarities of the Holocaust with the genocide of Palestinians
