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OrangeUnlikely3928 t1_j93v7ff wrote

Those were some very American tweets


Decuriarch t1_j94jwp0 wrote

Some of these people are so far up their own asses it's ridiculous, they have no connection with reality at all.

"Have they tried non-violent sit ins?" What the fuck? This is a country where girls have had acid thrown in their faces merely for attending school. There are videos of women being shot in the street when the crackdowns against women first began after the US pulled out.

Not to mention as a diplomat to Afghanistan she should know how incredibly racist Afghanistan is before saying they should take inspiration from black people in America. I worked extensively with Afghanis and had grown ass men refuse to sit next to a woman in their office because her skin was too dark, she looked Indian and they didn't want to sit next to a black woman. And they called her a slut because she wore jeans. They also refused to sit next to a man from the North because he looked Chinese. And then she tags Beyonce in her tweet?


Foreign-Complaint130 t1_j94776v wrote

That's like a parody of American cultural myopia.

And from an actual diplomat, not some random local mayor in Ass-fuck, Wyoming


snoofling t1_j93qw6q wrote

The kind of oppression and circumstances that Afghan women and Black women face are completely different. This sort of glib comparison - from a senior diplomat, that too - is really the epitome of American exceptionalism (defining your country's experiences as universal and being unable to comprehend the idea that they might not be so)


macross1984 t1_j93v7sr wrote

When you're public figure, you really need to be careful what you say or it may come back to haunt you.


autotldr t1_j93dk1e wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot)

> WASHINGTON: The top US diplomat to Afghanistan apologised on Thursday for tweets that suggested struggling Afghan women might find inspiration in African American history and culture, particularly the #BlackGirlMagic social media movement.

> US envoy Karen Decker tweeted that several of her posts earlier in the week went "Awry" despite her "Best intentions" when she suggested Afghan women could learn from examples such as pop culture icons Beyonce and Lizzo.

> In a series of tweets over several days, Decker - who has had multiple postings in Afghanistan dating as far back as 2006 - evoked themes from Black History Month in relation to Afghanistan and Afghan women.

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