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VoldemortsBallsack t1_j9tfxuj wrote

It's not human transmissible yet. If it did get into a city I see them basically doing some zombie apocalypse shit and killing anyone trying to leave. It would be the end of the world as we know it.


Arbusc t1_j9v9gd3 wrote

Not trying to make light of the situation, but some strains of avian flu can cause rapid shifts of lethargy and mania, the sort of mania that involves attacking anything that comes near them. The mania comes from mild brain swelling that occurs in certain strains. This one seems no different, though so far the human cases have not shown such mania. But if we’re not careful and unlucky enough to start exhibiting such symptoms in human patients, we may essentially end up in a ‘zombie’ scenario.


VoldemortsBallsack t1_j9vjgx8 wrote

They'd have to have quarantine camps and say someone's kid was sick, those parents would try to protect them and keep them at home and in the process cause the spread to worsen. Nobody would want to be near anyone sick, not even some doctors, so it would be difficult for the infected to get food and supplies without infecting others.

Nobody could work to earn money. Society would collapse because production of food and other goods would end and desperate people would turn to criminal behavior to survive. Rural areas would be flooded with city dwellers trying to find food and places to hunt/gather etc. leading to more crimes like murder to protect your own food sources, homes, and property.