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AndroChromie t1_jadynj2 wrote

It's an easy equation in an otherwise complex world: if russia wins Ukraine, Israel will have to face a nuclear capable Iran protected by russia. If Ukraine maintain their territories, Iran will have to back down.

Weird world: the outcome of the WAR in Ukraine will directly affect the volatility of the Iranian aggression.


Locofinger t1_jadz9yn wrote

If Russia begins to collapse they will have to move their nuclear arsenal to places like Iran. Israel knows this.

Or face a 1990’s catastrophe were powerful Mafia oligarchs seized and began to sell the Soviet arsenal on the black markets to the highest bidder. (North Korea, Saddam, any tin pot dictator with a few hundred million)


[deleted] t1_jae00lp wrote



thepriceofaslave t1_jae8q02 wrote

>If russia collapses, a fresh level of headed strong governance can begin.

One of the most naive statements I've ever read in my life.


[deleted] t1_jae94nd wrote



thepriceofaslave t1_jae9oln wrote

Pray tell what are the names of these well trained politicians and diplomats that will begin a new shiny era of strong open governance?


[deleted] t1_jaealnk wrote



thepriceofaslave t1_jaebdml wrote

Just one name then? And how much experience do these shadow people have for running a gigantic state with thousands of nuclear weapons? Political, logistical, economic or like any experience in positions of power? I mean there should be dozens if not hundreds. One example...


[deleted] t1_jaect8a wrote



thepriceofaslave t1_jaee37e wrote

I wish you were right, but history is not on your side in this case. I don't see some shadow democratic governmental structure waiting in the wings to burst forth. The current representatives in the Duma would not fill me with confidence that a bunch of maniacs worse than Putin would seize power if the state collapsed.


Locofinger t1_jae0vzc wrote

Putin was selected as the fresh level headed governance. The Yeltsin era crowd basically anointed Putin leader and charged him with exterminating the Communist and National Socialist elements trying to take over Post-Soviet Russia.

It’s a very fucked up part of the world


Omryn814 t1_jae9a3w wrote

There was a bit more to it than that. Yeltstin was seen as a Western puppet who was weakening Russia so people turned to the strong man who promised to strengthen Russia as this countered Yeltsin's perceived weakness which allowed for the far left and right to be threats.


Locofinger t1_jaebpk7 wrote

Sure, sure. It’s more complicated than a few words can portray. Butttt….

Some of the other Strong Men were calling for genocide. Some idiots were waving swaztikas.

Grown college educated children fanatics of the nepotistic upper class Soviet system. People (and leaders) were like “Fuck them lunatics”.

Even Hitler in early 1930’s Germany was more the “moderate” than other leaders vying for control of the party. When people don’t understand, People default to the “moderate”.