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daniel77015 t1_j9su0l3 wrote

Geez, who would I believe more on a geopolitical topic: a random Redditor or the US Secretarian of State


misyo t1_j9syi5d wrote

BRICS partners


No-Philosopher-8212 t1_j9th7w5 wrote

You do realize BRICS has China and India in the same grp right? That should tell you how 'close' the bond is.


denkbert t1_j9tm46r wrote

Brazil condemned the Russian attack in the latest UN resolution.


misyo t1_j9ulxr8 wrote

Brazil isn't as invested in BRICS as China is. China and Russia hope to use BRICS to create a second IMF and a new world reserve currency. China can't let Russia be defeated because its governme t would collapse, which would bring about substantial and unpredictable changes in Russia- which China really doesn't want. China needs the war over quickly and sanctions removed to get Russia back on track. The longer the war drags on, the more problematic this becomes for China.


denkbert t1_j9v8jro wrote

Fair enough. But then it it a specific China-Russia partnership and not a BRICS-partnership.


misyo t1_j9ul8i0 wrote

I'm not sure where you're going with this.


No-Philosopher-8212 t1_j9upryc wrote

The fact on south Aftica. Brics is jsut compeletely lost now, there is no reviving it at all.


[deleted] t1_j9sv5hb wrote



daniel77015 t1_j9svexb wrote

Let me know the last time you had personal talks with your politicians, saw classified data and went to briefings about international relationships in your country.


zipzoupzwoop t1_j9suy01 wrote

How about not just believing one of these two and asking the person to clarify and give sources or reasoning? Nah, et's just believe blinken because it's better than a random redditor. That's why I also take trump's word over random redditors, he was a president once after all.


daniel77015 t1_j9sv7er wrote

Nice whatabouttism at the end. Blinken has access to networks, classified data, personal contacts, he is on the frontline in these regards. Random Redditor only reads random headlines. Good try though.