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Bored_guy_in_dc t1_jacr2fl wrote

Glad we got our 1980s movie plots back. I've missed the Russians as the defacto bad guys.


Prowling_Fox t1_jacv176 wrote

Imagine movies can be remade like, James Bond movies. New actors, new settings, newer cars, but SAME plot :DDD


IceBearCares t1_jaen4px wrote

"Mister Bond, I'm so happy you could join us. Let me introduce myself... I'm Allota Clitoris and this is my associate WAP. We're both Russian models."


solreaper t1_jaepcud wrote

There’s a scene in there where they are forced out a tube and get wet huh?


theimposter17 t1_jae6twx wrote

russians can't be the bad guys anymore, they aren't the big scary animal they pretended to be. They are a joke. Everything about them is ridiculous. They would never be believable as an actual threat now. Moronic sidekick is probably all they could be good for.


ApostrophesForDays t1_jaeocpi wrote

It would be funny if the Chinese were portrayed as the real threat, and their sidekicks/henchmen were moronic Russians. A huge slap in the face to real Russians.


JelDeRebel t1_jaf4jpg wrote

But hollywood will never allow that because it'lll probably get banned in China.

Gotta chase that billion dollar box office


fnwasteoftime t1_jaema04 wrote

If North Korea can be the bad guys in Red Dawn 2, then the Russians can be the bad guys again in Red Dawn 3.


fargmania t1_jaeg6xp wrote

So what I am hearing is that a brand new Rocky & Bullwinkle Show is in the works?


DeMalgamnated t1_jaeishj wrote

hasn't the whole point of having them as baddies in movies because they suck though.


henningknows t1_jaenktj wrote

Stallone is too old to do another Rocky to end this call war