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Sab_moh_maya_hain t1_jaeclz6 wrote

What’s even the end goal here? Can they even sustain a war on all these sides?


the-worldtoday t1_jaexa1k wrote

Hitler went a little crazy opening too many fronts. And he had much more capable armed forces.

Let's see how well this works out for Putin.


TheGarbageStore t1_jaf00jl wrote

The goal is to drive Ukrainian and NATO resources away from the Russian offensives in the four occupied oblasts. Every shell sent to Moldova is a shell not sent to Ukraine.

Any place with a lot of Russians is potentially concerning. Estonia is 23% Russian by ethnicity and cities like Narva, where they are heavily concentrated, could be sites for trouble. Southeastern Moldova is a hotbed of Russian sentiment outside of Transnistria itself.


bic-spiderback t1_jaf4ecv wrote

It's my impression that the governments in the Baltic states would be better equipped to handle attempts at meddling in their internal affairs, is that the case though?


Ago13 t1_jaenqo7 wrote

Who knows, perhaps the ammo stockpiled in Transnistria, it´s allegedly a huge quantity but then again my head hurts every time I try to make sense of something done by Russia


harryp0tter569 t1_jaew22s wrote

I can help you with your headaches.

Just imagine every move made by Russia was done by a toddler picking a strategy based on the colour and shape of it, and if it has shiny moving parts.


LordShadowside t1_jaepkvq wrote

Probably not, but having the largest nuclear arsenal in the world is giving someone a power boner nonetheless.


Ma1nta1n3r t1_jaegz76 wrote

Russia is like the jealous ex-boyfriend who barely paid attention to you when you were dating, but now that you're broken up, doesn't like you dating other people, so they try to fuck with your life.


A_swarm_of_wasps t1_jaf4zlv wrote

It's more overt than that. Russia is openly justifying this aggression by saying that NATO "isn't allowed" to expand beyond prior countries.

It's breaking up with someone and saying that they're not allowed to date other people, and you'll beat them if they do.


ConnolysMoustache t1_jaeyzz9 wrote

How are western Putin apologists going to excuse Russian destabilizing of Moldova?


Sakuja t1_jaf1cny wrote

Clearly there are NATO Biolabs in Moldova creating Zombie Nazi birds to fight in Ukraine.


Core2score t1_jaekc2s wrote

As if Russia needs more enemies.

Only somewhat logical explanation for this behavior is that Russia knows that their reputation as a global power is done for, an since they're considered a terrorist state now, might as well try to "flex" by finding a tiny country to bully..


autotldr t1_jae90nm wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot)

> Russian efforts to destabilise Moldova were stepped up on February 28 when supporters of the Russia-linked Shor Party demonstrated in Chisinau, while Moscow continued its propaganda offensive related to the separatist Transnistria region, claiming an invasion by Romania is imminent.

> Moldova is increasingly pictured by the Russian officials as a potential next threat that may need to be addressed after Ukraine.

> The Russian troops in Transnistria are rather limited - similar in side to Moldova's army but not comparable to Ukraine's potential or with the military support Moldova could get from its foreign partners.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Moldova^#1 Russian^#2 Ukraine^#3 Transnistria^#4 February^#5


DismalCow435 t1_jaemn99 wrote

Looks like Putin is up to his old tricks again. The poor people of Moldova just can't catch a break. Can't believe he's still trying to meddle in other countries affairs. Time for the international community to step in and put an end to this.


DismalCow435 t1_jaemobt wrote

Looks like Putin is up to his old tricks again. The poor people of Moldova just can't catch a break. Can't believe he's still trying to meddle in other countries affairs. Time for the international community to step in and put an end to this.


echoron t1_jaeuf8v wrote

Yup, looks like Moldova is next. As long as Putin stays in Kremlin, Russia wont stop. Russia might bleed out eventually, but they will not stop...


jert3 t1_jaezbak wrote

Lil Shits-His-Pants must be so upset that he crafts all these coupe attempts, false flags and black operations, only to have the CIA announced them to the world, a week or two before they were supposed to start.


Jafmdk58 t1_jaf4z2x wrote

That’s one thing they’re very good at screwing a country up..


clostridiumdificile t1_jaes15i wrote

But not just pro-russian activists. A lot of older folks as well. And they have voting rights...


arbitraryairship t1_jaf36ot wrote

They can move to Transnistria, then back to Russia when Ukraine liberates Transnistria later this year.


[deleted] t1_jaei8hi wrote



FortunateCrawdad t1_jaezx63 wrote

Dear Lord, is this what we're up against? Do people really believe the things Putin says?