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ForgottenDreamshaper t1_jac7uwd wrote

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Any information about true state of events in Ukraine gets deleted anywhere, even if it has publicly available proofs for it. Every place, including the Reddit tries to keep up with the narrative, so in the end you consume as much propaganda as russians from their state media. Sadly, there are no platform for people from Ukraine to speek freely and adress major foreign audience, so you will never know all the truth.


jeeepblack t1_jacjhq3 wrote

Seems like you are hoping for the "both sides" type of reporting. Nobody wants to hear Russian bullshit as the aggressor. Nobody has a desire to point out and applaud Russian success... because they are the aggressor.

Stop trying to guilt people into showing a soft spot for Russia. Seriously.


EroticPotato69 t1_jadccy7 wrote

Wanting to know and share the truth is not "showing a soft spot for Russia". Truth is the first casualty of war, and your attitude is facilitating that. People deserve to know the truth, even if it isn't what they may want to hear.


OppenheimersGuilt t1_jacoxf2 wrote

...and this is what propaganda consumption manifests as.


NopetrainToNopeville t1_jaeq3n6 wrote

Are you honestly trying to imply that rooting against an imperialist regime attacking a sovereign nation is caused by propaganda?