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extra2002 t1_jacf32d wrote

What this is (perhaps) really about: Russia has been depending on oil and gas exports to run its economy. Gas was discovered under eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Russia needs to get control of that gas to prevent its economy from being undermined.


Couple_Overall t1_jacfsl3 wrote

No, this is bullshit.

Go check on Wikipedia how much gas Ukraine has. Even at best estimates if they exported it to Europe it would last for merely 12 months. If they only used it at home it would still deplete in less than 30 years. Their oil would last globally for a single day of use. It's really not much. Even if your theory had any basis (it doesn't) those discoveries happened 5 years ago, not in January/February 2022.

This has nothing to do with economy or security, it's all about fighting the spread of democracy in neighbouring countries, tightening his control over Russians and banning oppositions. Hell, Russia did much more damage to their economy which will last for decades than the tiny drop of Ukrainian gas or oil could do (even admitting Ukraine invested enough to extract it and prices where worth the investment).

By the way that's not my opinion but of former US Ambassador to Russia (and now Stanford professor McFaul) who knows Putin from more than 30 years.
