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PEVEI t1_j9pwe4a wrote

The irony is that virtually all of the predictions made by the so-called "Project Fear" have come true. Economic downturn, shortages, and even Cameron's warning of war in Europe.

But Brits are too thick to stand up the Tories.


Pafkay t1_j9q15a9 wrote

I have no idea why anyone who isn't a millionaire actually votes for the bastards, it's not like they are benefitting from that vote


Truth_is_Liberal t1_j9q92u0 wrote

Same as in the US. It's all about establishing hierarchies and hating outgroups. Conservative politics has always been focused on hate, not solutions to problems. Unfortunately, hate sells very well to the incredibly stupid.


StarCyst t1_j9r9x59 wrote

as long as it hurts darker skinned people more, they'll vote for it.


Ugly-fat-bitch t1_j9rfp76 wrote

A million isn’t that much money. You would be surprised how many people have a net-worth over 1 million. Not a trumper, but When people have assets they are less likely to give their stuff away if they don’t see a ROI. I don’t see a good ROI in the usa, vs what I see in other countries I visit


S1lm4r1l t1_j9r2b5x wrote

Only a handful of those who voted Brexit are willing to admit their mistake and suffer the "I told you so's"

The British political elite are determinedly pointing the finger at anything and everything besides Brexit.

Brexit as an idea is ideologically dead and nobody amongst the Elite are willing to acknowledge that fact and say it, for various reasons.

Nobody is willing to confront the fact that Britain has gone on this ridiculous far-right adventure for nothing.

It is societal cowardice.


WankeredSnowflakes t1_j9w9skl wrote

Blah blah. Who cares. It's like covid, some people keep it alive while others just get on with their lives


Kitane t1_j9qolt6 wrote

And I remember turnip jokes regarding the post-Brexit economy.

Though to be honest, there were always turnip jokes.


purplecatchap t1_j9t613n wrote

Up in Scotland we have been rejecting the tories since the 50s…still get lumped with the useless fucks anyway.


Hyperion1144 t1_j9rjdjx wrote

A core part of being a conservative is a lifelong sense of grievance and victimhood which causes one to always blame others for their self-imposed problems.


WankeredSnowflakes t1_j9w9mk5 wrote

If Cameron knew there was war coming in Europe, I suggest he dances with the devil himself. Corrupt bastards


PEVEI t1_j9wacsy wrote

The devil is only interested in souls, and Cameron doesn't have one.