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weizuo t1_j9zeuy7 wrote according to this map, every country claims the majority of south china sea as their own territorial water.


Cheezied OP t1_j9zh3x5 wrote

Get real! Do you really think those smaller claimants would really enforce those? Militarize them, enforce their own ADIZ, deploy naval fleets and militias to block, lock targets, threaten, fire lasers, and push away local fishermen and other ships? Only one far, far away has done those repeatedly.


weizuo t1_j9zhfph wrote

So all countries are greedy, China happens to be the one with more military strength to back up its greedy plan.


Cheezied OP t1_j9zj1uq wrote

The Hague Ruling already proved it all could be done legitimate and peacefully, which nations should abide. That there is a lawful way via international means away from pressure from any bigger claimant, without bloodshed.


RockyMountain_Jeeper t1_ja0njym wrote

Yeah, we should probably stop that. As if their support for Russian agression is any indication.