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vernes1978 t1_jee5ti8 wrote

And Russia is well known for never coming back on their statements.


strangeapple t1_jee70bh wrote

Prisoners of war were also allowed to work in their camps.


smp7401 t1_jee7w20 wrote

When a Russian is talking they’re lying, and when they’re quiet they’re stealing


yubnubster t1_jee830m wrote

Sure, until Russia wants to make a point and arrest one… for reasons.


Seankps t1_jee857a wrote

Lol, nice try Russia. Keep your secrets.


BeyondTheStars22 t1_jee9vjg wrote

Nothing says foreign journalists can work on our soil like arresting one of said journalists!


chekovs_gunman t1_jeebu3d wrote

They should stay away from balconies, stairs, tea, umbrellas...


chehov t1_jeebuva wrote

Let me guess. “North Korea Times” - Da, “Wall Street Journal” - Neyt


69inthe619 t1_jeed6qo wrote

not going to happen until the kremlin reinstates the handing out of candy from a cargo van program. there has to be something in it for us.


Rude_Associate_4116 t1_jeedo1k wrote

I genuinely wonder if anyone will ever take Russia seriously again. I’ve never seen a country just obliterate its reputation so completely and quickly.

It is hilarious, pathetic, and tragic (for Ukraine) all at the same time.


Gunner_E4 t1_jeedvae wrote

There is freedom of speech, but not after speech.


[deleted] t1_jeeknb4 wrote

Kremlin: I will jail you if I feel like it


MrWetPoopz t1_jeekpd8 wrote

While we are all telling the truth here, I’ve got some SICK beachfront property in West Virginia. Any takers?


B1-vantage t1_jeelgqn wrote

Wtf! Just in case we need something from a western country, russia will allow " foreign journalist to carry on" so we have them available for arrest and torture to get what we want.


njslugger78 t1_jees6tc wrote

Yes you can still work here, I will need more of you for bidding...


Vahlir t1_jef6tlr wrote

translation: "we need westerners for to hold hostage as ransom for our spies that have been arrested"


SignificantDetail822 t1_jefaxun wrote

All non nationals should leave Russia. It’s not a safe place to be, waken up guys


brpajense t1_jefbnu1 wrote

Of course they're going to say that--they need more hostages and trading chits, and rounding up foreign journalists is the easiest way to get them.


Bakedintheusa t1_jefejdw wrote

Any foreign journalists in Russia can't complain if they get jailed, nor expect to be traded for Russian criminals held abroad. Their stupidity is on them.


that_yeg_guy t1_jeff5c4 wrote

They want to make sure they have a supply of foreign nationals from every country to arrest next time they feel the need to try and flex a muscle.


redstern t1_jefjsgn wrote

Gulag is in Russia, and you will definitely be working in there.

No lies here.


EternallyImature t1_jefklcr wrote

Of course. You can trust Russia. Until they stab you in the back.


_000001_ t1_jegf6hq wrote

Translation: Please keep working here so we have a larger number of potential political pawns to choose from!


LivingDracula t1_jeglnjp wrote

Until we arrest you and hold you hostage for arm dealers, etc...


Naive_Ad_6975 t1_jegrb33 wrote

They just can't report anything negative about Russia.


TexasYankee212 t1_jeh1tey wrote

"Foreign journalist can carry carry on working in Russia"... until we arrest them.