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All_Roll t1_je7zjh9 wrote

Just stop. This gets written by some moron every week.

Literally the exact same title. ffs


Crispyclim t1_je8nqyz wrote

Taiwan is also getting ready for battle. Actually, everyone is getting ready for battle. People, live each day to the fullest. Go on dates, get married, start a family, travel, and have fun while you can!


Ecstatic_Piglet5719 t1_je7zig9 wrote

You don't say! At least half of the world is preparing for war since Russia invaded Ukraine.


PupuleKane t1_je7y0nt wrote

Preparing for a disaster is part of life. Hurricane, Tornado or war, it's always good to be ready


smurfsundermybed t1_je847p2 wrote

Isn't that the entire point of a standing army? To constantly be prepared for war?


NaCly_Asian t1_je8crvr wrote

It's most likely to modernize the equipment and tactics. Better recruitment. I have heard bits and pieces that they are recruiting lots of graduates from the nuclear engineering schools to the detriment of the civil nuclear industry. Also, before covid, the rocket force was recruiting students in the artificial intelligence field. That's the conventional and nuclear missile forces.


dogsent t1_je7y8mt wrote

Wait, with the US? With the entire Western world? Can't we discuss this? The West was happy for China when the economic miracle raised people out of poverty. But there were some business deals that seemed unfair. Now China is hostile. Can't we all just take a deep breath and imagine world peace?


NastyLaw t1_je839p9 wrote

No, tbh a world war is overdue now. Seems like isn’t a matter of if it will happen but about when will it happen.


Throwaway08080909070 t1_je83mgt wrote

I don't think China is delusional enough to think it stands a chance in a conventional conflict with the US and NATO, and a nuclear war is suicide.


Orqee t1_je8821b wrote

This time war would be end of everything


DoomsdayLullaby t1_je7yw66 wrote

The 21st century of conflicts, unfolding before our eyes. B-E-A-utiful.


infodawg t1_je83vkv wrote

He's jumping the gun by about 10 years.


autotldr t1_je7yurg wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 93%. (I'm a bot)

> Chinese leader Xi Jinping says he is preparing for war.

> At the annual meeting of China's parliament and its top political advisory body in March, Xi wove the theme of war readiness through four separate speeches, in one instance telling his generals to "Dare to fight." His government also announced a 7.2 percent increase in China's defense budget, which has doubled over the last decade, as well as plans to make the country less dependent on foreign grain imports.

> In his third speech, on March 8 to representatives from the PLA and the People's Armed Police, Xi declared that China must focus its innovation efforts on bolstering national defense and establish a network of national reserve forces that could be tapped in wartime.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: China^#1 Chinese^#2 unite^#3 state^#4 people^#5


Orqee t1_je856cu wrote

It’s very easy send others to die for your political incompetence and greed.


Fillsfo t1_je8f1bj wrote

Xi has 30m "extra" men to use as cannon fodder due to families killing baby girls during the one child era.

We will have another global conflict soon. Hopefully democracies will prevail but that is not certain. I don't look forward to being a vassal in Xi's world. At 64, I will fight to preserve our nation


KONGSSMASHED t1_je8u75z wrote


Seriously though all this diplomatic speak to attempt to hustle China, is setting china up big time.


Minute-Drawing5763 t1_je87kq4 wrote

Damn we need to do everything we can to stop them first we should ban tik tok cause it’s a Chinese company that helps funding their communist regime


earlandir t1_je8dn2l wrote

Lol, if you think they are communist then you really shouldn't be giving any advice.