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Kucked4life t1_je75gn5 wrote

The article is literally the premise of "The day after tomorrow". This isn't an obscure concept, human nature is just too indifferent to the suffering of others.


ohnoitsthebigcheese t1_je7n46t wrote

I would rather state it as follows: humans, in times of scarcity, prioritize themselves above others. Which is then perfectly understandable imo.

I don't believe standard human nature lacks empathy and that we learned it through civilization. On the contrary even.


GhostFish t1_je86xpj wrote

The species as a mass is not intelligent. It has no empathy for others because there are no others. It does not recognize other life as valuable beyond potential as a food source.

You are marveling at the intricacy of individual cells while ignoring the ravenous beast that the cells came from.

The species can't conceive of the choice. It just feeds and facilitates entropy.


ohnoitsthebigcheese t1_je8l35a wrote

Pars pro toto, but still relevant I feel. It's been demonstrated that while humans might not be born with empathy, they're still born with the ability to learn empathy...