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[deleted] t1_je8m5j6 wrote


Spoonfeedme t1_je8odpw wrote

>So at first, you denied the 5 year prediction was made (which it was).

No. I denied that was the claim. It wasn't. You know this. That is also explained in the twitter link itself, and admitted to later by the twitter's original 'gotcha' author.

>You denied that the temperature in my city has remained the same (which it has).

No, I pointed out an anecdote does not data make. Since you don't know what climate means in the phrase "climate change", suffice to say I must insist that it doesn't start and end at the borders of your city.

>Then you imply that civilizational collapse is going to occur due to temperature change. Which is exactly what Greta said in the first place (and never happened).

I implied it by pointing to the examples of past human civilizational collapse under better conditions. The past is not always an accurate predictor of the future, but only a fool that thinks climate starts and ends based on human political boundaries would suggest it isn't at all connected or meaningful to learn from our past.

>Nice. We've come full circle. Fact is, yes the temperature's gonna change in places (see links you provided) and we're gonna adapt.

Maybe. Maybe many many people will die. It's fine to say you don't care as long as you get to sip lemonade at the end. Being a sociopath isn't crime.


[deleted] t1_je8r3fp wrote



Spoonfeedme t1_je8rw2k wrote

>What is the alternative to adaptation and confidence in human ingenuity?

Actual adaptation to mitigate the looking predicted catastrophic change in climate? You have demonstrated that you are willing to lie to me and yourself to avoid confronting the possibility of the world being severely damaged the change that is occuring, to the point of attempting to claim that it isn't.

Doing nothing isn't adaptation.

>Which we are not.

Who is we? There are already tens of thousands of deaths occuring each year thanks to climate change, either directly or thanks to the stress that change is placing on existing fragile systems.

Your statements remind me of the villas outside London in the 4th century, still enjoying their baths, oblivious to reality.