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TopHatJaguar t1_je9ii0x wrote

My suggestion is prepare for the change and live your life in a way that doesn’t have you stressing out about things you can’t impact. The main driving factors of climate change aren’t going anywhere and getting mad at those “people in developed countries” who have for the most part bought into the green fantasy is dishonest. Most people recycle, there are wind and solar farms all over the place, most people don’t keep their lights on all the time, use high efficiency items when they can. They try to do the best they can.

Most people in underdeveloped countries don’t because they can’t afford it nor do they care to do it, they just want to live a better life and you have no right to tell them that they can’t pursue it at the expense of the environment.

You’re a human, adapt.


ReadItUser42069365 t1_je9veem wrote

Lol where did i tell these poor, noble "under developed" countries they must change. I'm not mad. You're the one so triggered by me suggesting make as many changes AS POSSIBLE at an individual level while pressuring for bigger changes resulting in your mind numbing comments.

But hey keep hiding behind other groups some more to avoid adapting your diet.

You are right that most of us are fortunate to have gone through our industrial revolutions polluting away while now seeming hypocritical by not allowing other countries to do the same. The onus is on us to help everyone develop in the least environmentally (negative) impactful way. Your suggestion seems like that of someone weak willed


TopHatJaguar t1_jea5ho4 wrote

you asked for my suggestion, I gave it to you. Sorry you don't like the response.

Also you have no idea what I do in my personal life, but reddit is for assumptions so go ahead and make them.