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MortWellian t1_jeafq1m wrote

Good thread with more coverage of the Vulkan Files

Edit: On a side note, with Twitter only putting "Twitter Blue" users in the "For You" tab, it's likely turning into an easily accessible vector for spreading disinfo, as long as Elmo gets his monthly payment.

> Russian Propagandists Are Using Paid Twitter Blue Checks to Spread Disinformation

Edit 2: Since this is under the Rus/Ukr tag, I might as well add this

> [The Same Russian Agents Who Meddled In US Politics Set The Stage For Ukraine Invasion] (

And the report the article above is based on

> Preliminary Lessons from Russia’s Unconventional Operations During the Russo- Ukrainian War, February 2022–February 2023 - Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (pdf)


darkkite t1_jeaw70q wrote

perhaps but paying is also a roadblock. see f2p games vs paid games in terms of botting.

it might also be possible to block suspicious payments.

this depends on twitter caring about cracking down on misinformation which is debatable as elon spreads it himself


Nymaz t1_jeazfo0 wrote

> it might also be possible to block suspicious payments

TwitterHQ: "Mr Musk, the Russian government is giving us money to spread falsehoods!"

TickleMeElon: "Oh no, we must put a stop to... snerk sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face! Rehire a couple of those guys we fired from the department stopping child porn and get them to set up a ruble-friendly payment portal."


OkStoopid666 t1_jeb5hzo wrote

That portal will necessarily have API endpoints available for mass subscription using whatever they’re using as a sock puppet orchestration platform. Gotta make that cheese


darkkite t1_jed3rqc wrote

I also have little faith in elon.

but having a paywall is objectively better than not having one if you're actually looking to block a hostile nation state


Pretend-Marsupial258 t1_jedj75f wrote

It's very convenient that we can stop a whole nation for only $8/month.


darkkite t1_jeehvny wrote

never said that. but it's better than making it free unlike op implied


Criticalhit_jk t1_jeazm1f wrote

Something tells me comparing video game bots in free VS paid games has shit all to do with russian state-sponsored misinformation and cyber warfare; especially when musk is seemingly doing everything he can to be a wex wuther


Matisaro t1_jec3wyv wrote

Yep, pointing out how spammers who have a profit motive do not waste effort on costly games is a bad comparison as Russia is not in it for capital profit.


BonghitsForBeavis t1_jeb0dxd wrote

it aligns with how the userbase reacts to an illicit flux of synthetic characters feigning unique human-ness..


protostar71 t1_jebjbhp wrote

You're saying this like its not happening as we speak


darkkite t1_jeb05dz wrote

it's a similar concept with different stakes.

point being, if it's free, than that's advantageous to bots.

if there's a credit card fee, then it introduced more friction especially because there are more regulations over what countries you can do business with.


skiptobunkerscene t1_jebdv8h wrote

This isnt stinky little Vlad Vodkavich who wants to aimbot after school, this is for political gains. Its worth the little payment.


purplewhiteblack t1_jebmfg1 wrote

My biggest thing about the checkmark was always "So what?"

You can tweet with or without one. 99% of people didn't have one. And I know celebrities are not always great sources of information. A tweet will be in your view either way. and that's text in your face.

Now you have to pay to have that tweet prioritized in the reply order. So, now misinformation campaigns are throwing money away, where they didn't have to before.

Thinking someone having a checkmark and is therefore credible has always been an ad verecundium logical fallacy.

The people most pissed about the checkmark thing were the people who bribed twitter employees to give them one. Simply because you applied didn't mean they would ever get back to you. Grease the wheels and maybe they would. You could tell which youtubers paid 1000s by how visibly pissed off they were about it.


Axios_Deminence t1_jecvylb wrote

Let me put it in simple terms on one concern you should have about it. Misinfo campaigns are more readily visible to those subsceptible to said misinfo campaigns.


darkkite t1_jebeim0 wrote

true but it is a cost and having money means less if the service blocks your country (not that's there's not work arounds) but it's still an improvement


NotBobLazar t1_jeedx5s wrote

How are you mad at Elon in this situation for your first couple notes? Kinda ridiculous take.
