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icelandichorsey t1_je8igm5 wrote

If only he wore a thicker jacket... πŸ˜”


Usery10 t1_je8k8ts wrote

The world will mourn the passing of a pedo protector/ enabler. How the fuck is the Catholic Church still a thing ?


icelandichorsey t1_je8kmf1 wrote

Hey im not talking about that at all. Not sympathising with him or the church or anything. Just making a jokey reference to that deepfake image from the last week or two


Pee_Wee_Mer_Man t1_je8sodn wrote

maybe his imaginary friend could help him out?


Skeptic_Sinner t1_je9b4t0 wrote

Atheists when they are asked to survive for 0.0001 seconds without mocking sick religious people: 😰😰


Verwirklichbar t1_je9cn86 wrote

You mean they react the same way as catholics when they don’t have a child to take advantage of?


Skeptic_Sinner t1_je9dnsi wrote

"No bro, I'm not bigoted, also catholics are pedophiles"

I wonder whether you apply the same logic to other groups that have a higher rate of child molestation than the general population, or a higher rate of crime in general


[deleted] t1_je9hy7h wrote



[deleted] t1_je9i9ux wrote



Verwirklichbar t1_je9kca2 wrote

The thing is blackness is not an organization, you can’t choose if you’re black or not. You can on the other side choose, if you’re catholic and thus support the stuff the catholic church is doing. If you don’t want to be judged as a supporter of the biggest pedophile organization in the world you just gotta stop supporting it.


Skeptic_Sinner t1_je9l3vt wrote

  1. you can be a catholic and not support the stuff that pedophiles in the church and the people who protect them are doing but even if you do, that does not make you a pedophile

  2. It's debatable whether many catholics are catholics by choice at all or because they are afraid.

Either way your generalization holds no water


Verwirklichbar t1_je9ltae wrote

So catholics are not just systematically raping children, they are also forcing people to support them? This is even worse than I thought, is somebody forcing you to write this? Do you need help, because you are held captive by a pedophile organization?


Skeptic_Sinner t1_je9m8qn wrote

Ah yes, you can't respond to any of my counterarguments so you make up a strawman and a fake story behind it to cope.

This is my cue that I won and there's no point in wasting more time with you. Cheers


Verwirklichbar t1_je9mww0 wrote

Damn you are stupid, I am done with you


Skeptic_Sinner t1_je9mgwm wrote

Also I meant "forced" as in forced by god to be a catholic. But since being a catholic doesnt mean that you support pedophilia, god is not forcing people to support pedophilia


Riegler77 t1_jea8qml wrote

I downvoted for the emojis. Wanted to let you know so that it doesn't satisfy your persecution complex.


HenryKringle6000 t1_je8syb5 wrote

I hope they have someone who can take over his duties while he is away. Protecting serial pedos is a big job.


Friztzoo t1_je8w2ki wrote

I'm wishing him well.