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SuteSnute t1_je807kk wrote

Imagine running defense on this for a government that's throwing a hissy fit because the ICC (you know, the organization that literally investigates human rights comes) wants to investigate them. Lol. Lmao even.

It's always hilarious when intellectually stunted people try to argue on the assumption that everyone else is just as intellectually stunted as they are.

This dumb game you're playing is boring. Convince yourself everything is peachy and your precious government is beyond reproach. Governments would never do wrong or make mistakes right?

What a clown. Lol. We're done. Peace kid.


siegfred7 t1_je82e89 wrote

What a clown, dodging and straw manning instead of fortifying arguments, you are indeed mentally stunted.

You’re right for once, we’re indeed done here.