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Tonyhillzone t1_je2lid0 wrote

Excessive looting and destruction of property probably should be met with excessive force tbh.


Edit: I support the protests. I support democracy. I support law abiding people.

I don't support thugs (police or protesters). I don't support criminals who destroy public or private property. Disagreeing with your elected government does not give anyone the right to be violent and destroy the property of innocent people.


FusRohBert t1_je3q40t wrote

There wasn't any destruction till the police shoot us dude


Tonyhillzone t1_je4xpoe wrote

Naturally violence shouldn't be used against any innocent person or group.

But honestly, if someone was setting fire to my car, home, or business, I'd use more than a little force and would be happy for the police to do the same.

Secondly, even if the police used excessive force against innocent protesters, that doesn't then give the protesters the right to go and destroy private property.

It wasn't the police burning cars, buildings or looting.

I support the protesters. I stop supporting individuals when they become thugs and dangerous criminals.


Drostan_S t1_je6zg37 wrote

Look I get it, you're a civilian. You don't have the heart to actualy take on the fight. You'd much rather go about your day without the interruption of the unwashed masses making a mess of the place because their ever decreasing quality of life is ignored.


Tonyhillzone t1_je77vv0 wrote

What exactly do you want people to do? Burn down the entire country to force the government to change their policy? Maybe kill a few people?

I'm pro-protesters. I'm just anti-vandals and thugs. Burning and looting isn't democracy, its thuggery.

And FYI, I've been arrested 4 times for being involved in protests, but I've never used violence or intimidation or engaged in wanton vandalism. I've also suceeded in helping to get a small change in Irish law in August 2008 by engaging with various politicians and putting forward a damn good argument based on facts and research. So I'm not afraid to actually do something.


MayaMiaMe t1_je3iwxh wrote

Right because it is perfectly ok to protect inanimate objects while STEALING peoples very lives. Cuz stealing lives is just ok right ? Fuck off


flappers87 t1_je3wyfl wrote

Destroying other people's property because you're angry at the government is NOT the way to go about it.

I mean, I support the protests. But I don't support setting buildings, cars on fire... attacking people and the general violence. It solves nothing.

What good does setting your neighbours car on fire do? How does that help the message that you're trying to send?

At the end of the day, there are the actual people protesting... and then there are people who are taking advantage of the situation by damaging property and being incredibly violent.

Yes, the government is trying to take 2 years away from the people (while still being one of the lowest retirement ages in Europe...). But these people are taking away - in some cases - more than 2 years of savings from others by destroying their property that they spent years on acquiring.

Why are you supporting violence against people and people's property?

Would you still be happy if a protester set your house on fire? Would you still be making such a nonsensical comment?

No you wouldn't. And I wouldn't believe you if you said otherwise.

This is a classic "I'm not affected by this, so I support it". Yeah... just wait till there's a violent protest in your neighbourhood and your shit gets set on fire.

There should be no violence from EITHER side. Violence never solves anything.


Lord_Viktoo t1_je4hs71 wrote

Yeah non-violent protesting doesn't solvz anything either. And neither does using the countey's democratic processes. So what do we do ? We say "too bad" and go home ?


NehEma t1_je45d47 wrote

Y'all are mixing private, public, and personal property that's wild...

No one's burning anybody's house. Destruction of personal property is rare af.

And what would you do if your "democratic" government tried so hard to pass a reform against 70% of your country's population (90% of workers) that blatantly helped corporations and disserved citizens? They didn't even manage to get token assentment from small businesses.

We fucking tried to make it go peacefully but through some regalian magic trick it didn't even get voted in the constituent assembly. So yeah we're thrashing against the bourgeoisie bc it's the only thing that seems to get us heard.


Piotrekk94 t1_je4kw6y wrote

What population wants and what needs to be done frequently doesn't match. French government seems to try make the economy at least a bit more competitive compared to other EU countries.


RuinLoes t1_je4onhm wrote

"We know whats good for you, so stop resisting"


Piotrekk94 t1_je4pkxj wrote

Resist all you want, even change retirement age to 60 or less, we'll see in 40 years which retirement policy was better.


RuinLoes t1_je4sr67 wrote

"We have tried nothing and we are all out of ideas"


Piotrekk94 t1_je4t165 wrote

"Let's eat the cake and have it too, rich will pay"


RuinLoes t1_je4w0f0 wrote

Thats not even the quote and not what it means.


Piotrekk94 t1_je4wrxx wrote

And what that means?


RuinLoes t1_je511nx wrote

Qu'est-ce que vous dites??


Piotrekk94 t1_je5ffal wrote



RuinLoes t1_je5j2yb wrote

Oui, c'est le sujet.....


NehEma t1_je5n2zj wrote

En: It's more a "let them have cake" moment.

Fr: "qu'ils mangent de la brioche" serait plus appropriée dans les expressions culinaires.


RuinLoes t1_je5tqvf wrote

Je comprende les exoressions, je disais qu'il ne le utilisait pas correctement.


Tonyhillzone t1_je4z2qv wrote

If protesters that I support tried to burn my car (an inanimate object), I'd be more that happy to beat the crap out of them.

I support democracy. I support protests. I support the French people with this issue.

I do not support destruction of property (public or private) as a form of protest. It's criminal and it's morally wrong.


Frostbitten_Moose t1_je3t81x wrote

Considering each of those inanimate objects were made and bought with the proceeds of people spending their time, it's all shit that can be weighed on the same scale.


qtpnd t1_je3uwf1 wrote

People have been paid for the time they gave, they have been compensated already, there is no tie from the time spent to the object anymore.


Frostbitten_Moose t1_je419wj wrote

The people who built it, yes. The people who paid to currently own it? No.

That's a portion of their life being smashed.


qtpnd t1_je41g2k wrote

That's what insurance is for.

edit: but yeah I do agree that I misunderstood his first message.


Frostbitten_Moose t1_je41pld wrote

Insurance really isn't the magic fix people make it out to be. Not everything is insurable, having to deal with raising rates because of shit like this means having to spend more just to keep what you already have, and that's not including the fact that you need to spend time in order to get the insurance payout and then replace everything that got burned down.

And that's assuming it's practical to replace everything that got torched.


flappers87 t1_je3x4f3 wrote

And if it was your house that got set on fire? What would you say then?

"Oh I already put time into developing my house and a safe place for my family... I don't need it anymore"?

Be real.


qtpnd t1_je3xyum wrote

That is not what is happening, so I don't see why I'd have to consider that situation. The only burning things are trashes and public furnitures with no one and no one's stuff inside.

And as someone whose house already burnt by accident and almost died in it, thank you for making me relive those memories...


flappers87 t1_je406dx wrote

I said something, and you tried to make it sound like I personally attacked you - like I know anything about your life...

Grow up. When you try to make it sound like you're being victimised because someone wrote a counter argument to your post, then you've already lost the argument.

And you're wrong. People's property are being destroyed.

Christ, they even set a town hall on fire, while there were people STILL INSIDE.

If you can't handle a discussion about these protests because it's triggering some form of PTSD, then perhaps you shouldn't be getting involved in the discussion.


qtpnd t1_je40uhb wrote

>And if it was your house that got set on fire?

I mean, you talked about MY house, so yeah I felt personnally attacked.

In my original answer I just pointed out that in our economies the compensation for your time spent is monetary, and in general once that has been paid you have no ties to the produtcs of your work anymore. You are the ones who right away jumped the ship and talked about something totally different, i.e. my house, that I paid with my money and that is then tied to me. And this is totally different from talking about objects that people spent time working on but then sold and where properly compensated for it.

For the town hall if you are talking about bordeux, it was only the door that leads to a courtyard in a building with multiple exits designed to safely get crowds of people out in case of an emergency. No one was at risk of death or serious injury, and people where more sad for the historical value of the gate than anything.

edit: rereading your original comment, I might even have misunderstood it, but you could have kept the discussion civilised and discuss that, instead of right away going the emotion way.


flappers87 t1_je41470 wrote

>I mean, you talked about MY house, so yeah I felt personnally attacked.

It was an example to show you being a hypocrite by supporting destruction of property while these protests don't affect you. If you felt "personally attacked" then you need to grow up and grow some thicker skin.

Since you can't have a discussion without feeling 'personally attacked' when there was CLEARLY no intention of that, then this thread is not worth continuing. I don't want you in tears because you decided to hop onto discussing a subject that triggers PTSD.

That sounds like a you-problem that you should deal with in your own time with a therapist, instead of taking it out on people on the internet.


qtpnd t1_je41ecb wrote

Ok, let's go this way, show me articles that talk about private housees being set on fire on purpose?

And I'm not sure I'm a hypocrite since I'm french and the public equipment being set on fire has been paid with my taxes, so it is mine in some way.


kleveinRipperThird t1_je44qtk wrote

The wink emoji is an excellent indicator of your maturity level. Make sure the teacher gives you an extra juice box at lunch time today.


Kypsys t1_je57uwh wrote

Yes because we all know that journalists and press are known for looting and rioting, this is why many of them have broken hands and faces !