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Throwaway08080909070 t1_je2nr9w wrote

Maybe the police are just fans of not burning the place down, plus once one of your "brothers" tosses a bomb at you, I'm guessing you stop caring about their cause in a hurry.


Romecam t1_je2zbf7 wrote

Couldn't see them as "brothers" if they were ready and willing to stand on the other side. Their retirement plans haven't been effected by this


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_je3hqv4 wrote

But the police and you are fans of burning away two years of people’s lives?


Ok_Video6434 t1_je37pha wrote

Come back and say this on your main coward


Throwaway08080909070 t1_je39mev wrote

Why must you people always make things personal? I think it's because on some level you know that angry confrontation is all you have, or maybe it's just that people drawn to violence tend to lack in... other areas.

What do you think?


tky_phoenix t1_je3fzkw wrote

Protesting is one thing but burning things down and looting shops definitely goes too far.


Kypsys t1_je57lcl wrote

Main issue here is that our government doesn't give a flying fuck about peaceful protests. The country must be in absolute chaos to make them reconsider, and even then it's not won. Concrete example : 1968 protests, or right now, the gigantic water basin project, there has been peaceful protests for weeks, no one even talked about it, but now that there's rioting and combat at least we're hearing about it in mainstream medias


tky_phoenix t1_je73ip5 wrote

Would it be possible to at least limit the damage to public facilities and not private businesses? They have absolutely nothing to do with it. Even then looting wouldn’t be ok.

On a side note, I think it’s great that the people stand up and make their voice heard. With all the technology we should work less and not more.


meatismoydelicious t1_je8daip wrote

And yet we're more indentured than we've ever been thanks to the negligence of the ruling class. Wake up.


Kypsys t1_jedycrk wrote

I agree 💯 with you, and i do regret the damages, especially like you said private Businesses, and also on politicians houses or offices (weirdly, also some of the opposing parties offices has been damaged).

Even for the public facilities it pains me (it's my money from taxes after all).

but then again, if there is no destruction, if you don't pretty much stop the country...nothing will be done, you can't vote against it because there's no referendum, you can't ask your deputy to vote against it because they are a bunch of kids with no intention on people well being, but more focused on sticking it to the other party, at the expense of others So there's no way really.....other than maximum disruption...


meatismoydelicious t1_je8d41g wrote

So sacrificing the lives of the people isn't too far but sacrificing buildings is? You're seriously fucking up in the way of priorities.


tky_phoenix t1_je8eflu wrote

The democratically elected government is making a change. You are welcome to protest and to vote them out of office. No one is sacrificing anybody. They are nor executing people. 64 is also still lower than many other developed countries to put it into perspective. We are also talking about damaging private property and businesses of people who have nothing to do with the increase in retirement age. They might even be protesting on the streets as well.


meatismoydelicious t1_je8flz0 wrote

I'm not French so I don't think my vote, or anyone else's for that matter, will change a damn thing. They're sacrificing the time of others. That's their lives. If someone forces you to work more than is necessary to provide for yourself, they are literally taking your life. Not to mention, how many people die between the ages of 62 and 64? More than will likely die from these protests. Other countries disallowing their citizens to enjoy the benefits of retirement does not absolve Macron from jumping on the bandwagon late, especially when it is the effect of he and his constituents' bad decisions. If you hurt the nation's economy, you hurt its leaders. Economics are a bitch like that. And if I'm to the point of rioting in the street, it means I'm willing to risk more than a brick and mortar property. People's time, i.e. their lives matter more than fucking pastry shops.