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Bob_Juan_Santos t1_jea3uii wrote

wouldn't it be better for them to have modernized mig 29? since that's what they've been using and familiar with?

though i guess there might not be any available for them


lordderplythethird t1_jea6msn wrote

Not many, and the MiG-29 is still going to be a pile of shit, regardless of how modernized it is.

Ukraine wants a platform that can utilize the SDB (small diameter bomb), JDAM, and HARM (high speed anti-radiation missile) to start pushing Russia back, specifically the SDB and HARM since their HIMARS are already using GLSDBs (SDB with a M26 rocket motor attached to them for ground launches)

Modernized MiG-29s are still going to have to hack on those weapons, which won't operate as effectively as they will on a platform they're natively coded for, such as the F-16.

Also, MiG-29s are notorious for shit engines with absurdly short lifespans (lifespan of them is shorter than even just the mean time between rebuilds of an F-16's engine), which actually allows the F-16 to operate with a far greater availability rating, which means more F-16s in the air lol


Bob_Juan_Santos t1_jea8brt wrote

well, i hope ukraine has enough trained f16 pilots. best case scenario they started training 8 years ago when NATO countries started to assist.


lordderplythethird t1_jeacfyn wrote

Their pilots are already rated for single engine and twin engine jet aircraft. It's simply a matter of becoming rated for the new aircraft, known as "B Course". That's around only 6 months. Granted, more mission training usually occurs after that, but Ukrainian pilots could be qualified on the F-16 in 6 months or less.


ExpertAppearance8687 t1_jeaxjbw wrote

8 years ago Ukraine was under arms embargo from Western countries. They thought supplying arms to Ukraine will provoke Putin to attack lol.


Spencerwebb90 t1_jea69oa wrote

They have those already and they’re getting more, but the issue is the radar on a”modernized” MiG-29 is still not as good as a Su-35 or any American F-Series jet. A MiG-29 doesn’t have the range to take out a MiG-31 traveling at Mach 2.8 at 80,000ft firing R-77M and R-37M hypersonic missiles. The Russians have scored some VERY long distance kills with the MiG-31. They need the American AMRAAM.